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Title 94年度中部空品區氣象與污染成因調查及改善策略研擬計畫
Abstract 本計畫共進行兩次高污染採樣觀測作業,在採樣佈點方面,第一次採樣點為臺中縣豐原市國民小學及南投民宅,第二次採樣點為臺中縣豐原市國民小學及彰化縣二林鎮國民小學。第一次採樣之時間點為95年5月10日至95年5月16日,第二次採樣時間為95年9月30日至95年10月6日,共計14天,採樣期間的天氣型態,主要受到大陸高壓、鋒面帶及颱風外圍環流三種天氣型態影響,而在5月及9~10月兩次採樣出機時間點透過氣象條件之預測皆有順利掌握到台灣地區高污染事件日之發生時間點,採樣期間空氣品質依據環保署測站污染物濃度顯示9~10月間之污染濃度較5月分略高;以下茲扼要說明本計畫執行之重點成果。在氣象場觀測方面可發現第一次採樣期間與第二次採樣期間高污染日的分析中發現主要受到大陸高壓出海、鋒面帶和颱風外圍環流三種天氣型態所致,於5月10日~11日受到大陸高壓與鋒面的影響導致環境風場變強使得污染物不易累積,地面風場為南風,而9~10月份豐原監測點與二林監測點的地面風場變化比較相似,在白天有東北方向的海風,在晚上轉變成西北方向的陸風當高壓系統出海後強度明顯減弱,台灣地區出現比較混亂且微弱的風場,則有利於污染物累積,且於較乾燥之氣候條件亦有利於臭氧污染物增加;在無機物方面NO2變化的趨勢,在日間光化作用NO2轉化為O3,因此NO2減少,午後光化作用減弱及巧遇下班期間,移動源排放NOx於大氣中使NO2濃度升高,日落後近地面之O3受NO之滴定效應及沉降作用影響使NO與O3濃度下降,NO2濃度增加;早晨上班時段移動源貢獻之NOx,使NO2濃度升高;揮發性有機物方面,TVOCs分布濃度由山區向海邊遞減,伴隨風場變化污染物呈現累積現象,BETX濃度變化及累積趨勢受到風場結構影響而改變,於95年10月2日依風場結構來看,大里地區風速相當小,再加上熱島效應,不利於污染物消散且污染物有明顯聚集之趨勢;在粒狀污染物監測方面,二林測站的PM10平均濃度為最高,其PM10濃度約為南投及豐原測站的1.2~1.4倍,且三個測站的PM2.5/PM10比值均介於0.51 ~ 0.60間,顯示豐原、南投及二林測站的懸浮微粒皆以細粒徑為主。豐原測站密集觀測Fs平均值為0.36~0.41,南投測站及二林測站密集觀測Fs平均值為0.44,Fs平均值南投測站及二林側站均略高於豐原測站;在Fn值方面,豐原測站密集觀測Fn之平均值約為0.13、南投測站及二林測站之Fn值分別為0.17及0.13,觀測結果南投測站Fn高於豐原,顯示南投站氮氧化物及硫氧化物仍是以境外傳輸為主要污染來源。有關模式模擬部分,本計畫以CMB模式進行模擬結果得知,中部地區污染來源最主要為移動污染源,此外本計畫亦以TAPM進行94年高污染事件日之模式模擬作業,模擬93年4月26日~30日、94年4月3日~7日、94年9月15日~19日及95年5月9日~14日臭氧濃度之模擬結果與實際監測臭氧濃度趨勢相符合,白天海風發展時會將台中海區所排放之臭氧前趨物往都會區傳送,都會區產生之臭氧前趨物亦受海風及西風系之影響,將臭氧前趨物再傳輸至內陸地區,受到光化學作用及氣團之影響,臭氧前趨物則會反應生成臭氧,導致內陸地區於此段期間發展為高臭氧事件日,而PM10部份由於其生成化學反應機制較為複雜因此模擬趨勢較不佳。本計畫兩年4次採樣均透過專業氣象預估掌握高臭氧事件,本計畫統計歷年相關資料後發現從1994年至2006年間,台灣共發生225天高臭氧污染事件日,其中有140日為台灣2000公里內有颱風或熱帶低壓之天數,而利用HYSPLIT之逆軌跡,推估可能受颱風或熱帶低壓影響之天數佔了81日,顯示無論颱風或熱帶低壓,其形成的位置及移動路徑若位於台灣與海南島間均會造成中部空品區高污染形成,因此若能建立一天氣預警系統,將有助於環保局提前進行預防工作;此外,本計畫亦針對採樣分析結果佐以模式模擬,結果顯示,中部空品區於衛宇科技股份有限公司 IGLOBAL-ENTECH CO., Ltd摘要 臺中縣政府Abstract Taichung County Government臭氧高污染事件日發生時,最主要之貢獻源為移動污染源,其貢獻量佔77%,本計畫已提出相關管制策略,其中短程策略包括大眾運輸工具興建,配合停車費增收以降低民眾開車意願、觀光景點交通管制及接駁系統規劃及接駁車等待期間應熄火減少污染物排放等,可由四縣市環保局著手規劃進行,中程策略及長程策略等均需藉由各相關部會協助加強推動。依本計畫所提供之管制策略評估推動,短期可執行之策略應結合中部空品區運作平台落實優先執行。除上述作業外,本計畫於採樣執行前亦邀集各界專家學者辦理完成1場次採樣前置規劃座談會,同時亦已經辦理完成2場次檢討會議,此外,為了讓各界了解本計畫及便於各學術單位進行同步採樣監測作業,本計畫亦設計一專屬網頁提供各界查詢使用。
EngTitle The 94 annual plan of the pollutant origin investigation and the improvement strategy to draw up at the air quality of center Taiwan
EngAbstract The project has monitored 2 high air-polluted episodes in central Taiwan. In first episode (from 2006, 5, 5 till 2006, 5, 16), 2 sampling sites of vertical profiles of air pollutants were located in FongYuan City, Taichung County and Nantao City, Taichung County. In second episode (from 2006, 9, 30 till 2006, 10, 6), 2 sampling sites of vertical profiles of air pollutants were located in FongYuan City, Taichung County and Erlin town, Changhua County. The weather patterns observed during two episodes were continental high pressure, frontal zone and outer typhoon circulation. We monitored high PSI values episodes as we expected.Three weather patterns, continental high pressure, frontal zone and outer typhoon circulation were considered to play important roles in two monitored high PSI values episodes. The monitored results show several patterns of air pollutants. NO2 transformed to O3 during daytime because of photo-chemical reaction, then NOx emmited from mobile sources caused the increase of NO2 concentration. The concentration distribution of TVOCs were higher in mountain area and decreased on the sea, the concentrations variation and accumulation trend of BETX were changed with windfield structure. In Particulate Matters, the average monitored values from Erlin town was the highest, about 1.2~1.4 times the average monitored values of Nantao and FongYuan. PM2.5/PM10 were around 0.51~0.60, showing that fine PM was the main contributor of total PM. The average Fs for FongYuan City were between 0.36~0.41, for Nantao City and Erlin town were around 0.44. The average Fn for FongYuan City, Nantao City and Erlin town were 0.31, 0.17 and 0.13, respectively. It showed that the sources for NOx and SOx in Nantao city were cross-regional transportation.Ozone simulation used TAPM model in 4 past high PSI episodes between 2004 and 2006. The modeling patterns were close to the observed values. CMB model was used to find the possible sources of the high PSI values, and we conclude that mobile sources are main sources of high PSI episodes, the contribution may be as high as 71%. The possible solution for improving mobile source emissions would be the mass transportation system which is still not well-established in central Taiwan. We also suggest a “turnoff vehicle while waiting or stopping” policy to reduce the unnecessary pollution while vehicles were still. Four local EPBs should also use the communication platform to cooperate in this issue to build a better transportation system, thus encourage people to use it. of four local EPB toWe collected high PSI episodes between 1994 and 2006, and found that 140 days of high PSI episodes out of 225 days companied with typhoons or tropical depression within 2000 km around Taiwan. We employed HYSPLIT anti-trajection model and found that 81 days were affected by typhoons or tropical depression. It indicates that a pre-warning system using weather forecasting method would help the EPB to take proper pre-cautious action before possible high PSI episodes.One pre-monitoring planning meeting was held, and two examination meetings were held during the project. One website providing the instant information of this project was available for everyone who was interested in this project to find the progress and provide suggestions.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 衛宇科技股份有限公司