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Title 監理單位機動車輛報廢及回收聯合櫃檯諮詢服務回收管制專案工作計畫(南區)
Abstract 環保署與交通部合作,自94年6月起在台灣地區各監理站設置服務櫃檯,協助民眾進行車輛之報廢工作,輔導完成車輛回收以提升回收數量。本計畫負責派駐南區十五個監理站所之廢車回收服務櫃檯專責人員,以進行相關廢車回收之服務與宣導工作。本計畫工作時間為期約19個月,在台灣地區35個監理站所中,雲林以南(以及澎湖)15個監理站所派駐26位專職服務人員,運用環保署機動車輛報廢回收處理資訊管理系統之配車功能,共計完成24,588輛廢車(汽車5,071輛、機車19,517輛)的配撥與相關聯繫服務;對於配出車輛的後續處理情形,採用電話、拖吊現場與赴回收商場地勘查方式進行追蹤:計約9萬6千餘通電話完成回收商與車主聯繫、向車主確認拖吊服務完成,同時進行2萬4千人次滿意度調查;330次的拖吊現場與51次的回收商場地的抽查,以確保廢車車體有正常合法的流向。回收櫃檯服務人員並利用在各監理站所地利之便,向前往洽辦監理業務的民眾進行廢車報廢及回收宣導工作,估計期間櫃檯人員提供民眾現場諮詢及協助廢車相關事務的人次約1萬7千餘次,而各站設立的專線電話,也有近3萬5千餘通的廢車回收與獎勵金諮詢話務,而在95年下半年更因應廢車回收管制聯單電子化以及獎勵金發放規定的調整,加強對民眾的宣導,因而能提高老舊車輛報廢的意願且縮短後續申請回收獎勵金的申請與審核時間,使車主更滿意政府所提供的服務。
EngTitle Project of the recycle waste motor vehicles for Motor Vehicles Office and united consulting services and recycle management (southern area of Taiwan)
EngAbstract Since June 2004, EPA co-work with MOTC to setup the service counter ofwaste vehicle recycling at motor vehicle service offices island-wide to provideassistance and guidelines of vehicle revocation and waste vehicle recycling.During 19 month project period, 26 dedicated professionals stationed at 15motor vehicle service offices in southern Taiwan . With the support of MotorVehicle Scrapping and Recycling Services Information System of EPA, 24,588of waste vehicles(5,071 motor vehicles and 19,517 motorcycles) were assignedand dispatched for recycling services. In addition, 96,000 telephone interviews,24,000 people satisfaction survey, 330 dragging site and 51 recycling vender on-site inspections were conducted to ensure waste vehicles were process edlegally and properly.On-going communications and education to general public were conductedat motor vehicle service offices as well . More than 17,000 people were servicedand consulted at counters and 35,000 phone calls were made for waste vehiclerecycle consultation .In addition, overall satisfaction level and willingness to recycle wastevehicles were increased since the adjustment of the waste vehicles recycling andpremium and implementation of electronic of the vehicle recovery controlduplicate in 2nd half of Y2006.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司