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Title 二行程機車機油效能研究評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 一、完成市售20種二行程機車機油廠牌、售價、規格之蒐集,及黏度指數、閃火點、殘碳量、含水量、旋轉氧化性、起泡試驗、總酸價及熱烈解測試,結果顯示以三陽金帝2T 、埃索2T 、 GIBSON等機油之物化性能較佳。二、完成10款二行程機車搭配20種機油共200輛次之行車型態、惰轉狀態及白煙不透光率測試,並依據測試結果探討二行程機車產生白煙與引擎轉速、負載、機油種類及機油供應量等之關係,了解二行程機車白煙產生機制,分析得知半合成機油平均煙度低於礦物油平均煙度,低煙環保機油平均煙度低於礦物油平均煙度,但半合成機油平均煙度與低煙環保機油則無顯著差異。三、蒐集日本及我國CNS機車機油標準規範,並調查分析二行程機車車主購買更換機油之地點、價格等偏好習慣。四、考量國內各車廠及實驗室目前檢測能力,建議機車製造廠及機油油品公司考量將現有市售之單一品牌二行程機車兩款機油重組及調配改良,銷售品質較佳之單一種二行程機車專用機油。
EngTitle The Evaluation of Efficiency on Two-stroke Motorcycle Engine Oil
EngAbstract 1、According to the brand, the price and the standard, we collect 20 different kinds of two-stroke motorcycle engine oil in the marketplace. The result of testing on viscosity index, flash point, foam test, total acid, carbon residue rame, oxidation and water content indicates that 三陽金帝 2T, Esso 2T and GIBSON have better materialization performances.2、Implement the total up to 200 times of the model of the vehicles’ movement, idle capacity and white smoke opacity that arrange 10 kinds of two-stroke motorcycle with 20 kinds of engine oil. In accordance with the result of tests, we can probe into the relation among white smoke, rotational speed of the engine, load, engine oil’s type and the supply of engine oil. In addition, we can analyze and realize the white smoke produce mechanism then find out that the average smoke degree on both half-synthetic engine oil and environmental protection engine oil are less than the mineral oil. Nonetheless, there is not a big difference in the average smoke degree between half-synthetic engine oil and environmental protection engine oil.3、Collect the standards of CNS motorcycle engine oil in Japan and Taiwan. Furthermore, we not only investigate but also analyze the hobbies of where the two-stroke motorcycles’ owners change their engine oil and how much they spend on it.4、After considering the measuring ability in every domestic manufacturing and laboratory at present, we recommend that the motorcycle manufacturing and the companies of engine oil could not only blend but also ameliorate two different kinds of two-stroke engine oil into one in one single brand to sell a better quality of two-stroke engine oil for a special purpose in the marketplace.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄第一科技大學