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Title 臺北市內湖、木柵及北投垃圾焚化廠周界空氣及土壤中戴奧辛濃度和臭味指紋資料建立計畫(第二期)
Abstract 計畫摘要依據本計畫所規劃之三座焚化廠周界半徑約2~5 km範圍內之採樣位置點(各廠8點),三廠周界空氣採樣分析結果介於0.002~0.114 pg-TEQ/m3之間,與 前期計畫測值範圍相近(0.010~0.071 pg-TEQ/m3 未含停爐期間樣品),低於日本環境空氣中戴奧辛年平均濃度標準值0.6 pg-TEQ/m3,屬於都會區的分佈型態。(註:目前國際間僅日本訂定空氣中戴奧辛濃度管制標準)本計畫三廠土壤平均濃度分佈在2.13~2.78 pg-TEQ/g d.w. 之間,除木柵動物園第一季所採樣品之測值14.68 pg-TEQ/g d.w.和其他各點比較之下數值較高之外,其餘各點濃度屬於一般都市背景值土壤。與九十二年度結果相較之下有偏低的現象(九十二年度濃度介於1.00~8.16 pg-TEQ/g d.w.(不含南港高工),總平均值約3.20 pg-TEQ/g d.w.),現行土壤中戴奧辛含量管制標準為1000 pg-TEQ/g(乾基),本計畫兩期(九十二~九十三年)所有土壤檢測值皆低於此標準。以本計畫所得之結果而言,各廠不同季節的分析結果中,僅北投廠有相對較明顯的差異-周邊下風處空氣中的戴奧辛濃度較上風處高。各廠周界土壤中的戴奧辛濃度似乎不受上下風的影響。在臭味指紋特徵部份,各採樣點空氣中都普遍含有甲苯、二甲苯、1-丁醇(1-butanol)、Limonene(檸檬油精)、2,4-二甲基己烷(2,4-Dimethyl hexane)等化合物。第一季時於木柵廠內傾倒平台發現高濃度的2-Propenylhydazone propanal(二丙烯基丙醛腙)、Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane(八甲基環四矽氧化烷),但第二季時則未偵測到該化合物。綜合比較三廠Odor meter的偵測結果可發現三廠廠區內的臭味物質以Limonene(檸檬油精)被偵測到的頻率最高,尤其是廠內垃圾貯坑、廚餘回收等生垃圾出現的地方。在偵測結果中亦發現,廠區外的臭味與風向及當地特定污染源有極大的關聯。綜合本研究計畫兩年成果顯示,三座焚化廠在正常營運期間空氣中戴奧辛濃度值相近,且於上風與下風各點數值未發現明顯上升或下降之趨勢,土壤中戴奧辛濃度變化亦相同。因此,建議焚化廠持續沿用現有的燃燒操作條件,並持續進行周界各介質中戴奧辛濃度檢測,不僅可了解周界戴奧辛濃度變化且可降低周邊居民對環境污染與身心健康的疑慮。綜合問卷調查結果,約有六成以上的居民無聞過異味/臭味的經驗,有聞過異味/臭味的經驗居民中,對於異味/臭味型態的反應主要以焚燒垃圾的味道與燃油汽、機車之廢氣味道占多數。對於焚化廠所引起的臭味問題,有超過六成以上居民認為焚化廠需加強廠內的臭味逸散稽查與管制。臭味檢測數據亦顯示,廠區內的臭味來源大多來自垃圾傾倒平台與灰渣貯坑,但廠區外的臭味特徵與焚化廠內臭味並不相似,大多由其他臭味來源所逸散。由於臭味物質來源鑑定屬於較複雜的分析工作,且易受天候條件的影響,因此,建議焚化廠針對本計畫調查結果氣味濃度較高的地區、焚化廠作業流程以及民眾提出的臭味來源持續進行調查以及加強廠內的臭味逸散的作業管理,並可藉由宣導活動加強周邊居民對臭味物質之了解與雙方意見的溝通。
EngTitle Investigation on dioxin level and odor fingerprint in ambient air , leaf and soil in the vicinity of
EngAbstract ABSTRACTAccording to the dioxin concentrations of the sampling points (each incinerators has 8 sampling points) within 2-5 Km radius from the stack of this project’s three planned incinerators, all the measured dioxin concentrations are between 0.002 and 0.114 pg-TEQ/m3 which are similar to those of last year (0.010 ~ 0.071 pg-TEQ/m3, excluding samples while the incinerators were shut down). These concentrations are lower than the standard value, 0.6 pg-TEQ/m3 , in the air in Japan. The average dioxin concentrations of the soil samples are between 2.13 and 2.78 pg-TEQ/g d.w. . All these dioxin concentrations are within the range of background dioxin level in soils in urban area, except the sample of the first sampling time of the Taipei zoo with a higher concentration of 14.86 pg-TEQ/g d.w.. The current dioxin regulation in soils is <1000 pg-TEQ/g d.w., all the measured Dioxin concentrations in soils of this project are lower than this control standard.According to the results of different sampling times, only Pei-Tou has relatively significant difference with respect to the dioxin concentrations in the ambient air, the dioxin concentration in the downwind area is higher than that of the upwind one. It seems like the dioxin concentrations in soils are not affected by the direction of wind.As for the fingerprint characteristics of odor, the following compounds were detected in the air in most the sampling locations: toluene, xylene, 1-butanol, limonene and 2,4-dimethyl hexane. High concentrations of 2-propenylhydazone propanal and Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane were detected in the refuse dumping station of the Muzha incinerator in the first sampling time; however, these two compounds were not detected in the second sampling time.Among the odor material detected by odor meter, the limonene was present most often in these three incinerators; especially in the refuse bunker and refuse recycle station where the raw garbage are present. The results also show that the odor outside the plants is closly related to the wind direction and the pollution sources in that area.The research results of the past two years show the dioxin concentrations of all the incinerators are similar during the routine operation period; besides, no significant increasing or decreasing tendency for dioxin concentrations in upwind and downwind are found for both ambient air and soils. Therefore, it is suggested that the incinerators continue to use the current operating conditions and monitor the dioxin concentrations in the media around them. It will help us to understand the variation of the dioxin concentrations in the ambient air and reduce the doubt of environmental pollution and health for the residents.According to the survey results, the majority residents feel the odor resulting from the garbage combustion and the exhaust by the automobiles. More than 60% of the residents don’t have the experience of smelling of the odor. As for the odor problems caused by the incinerators, more than 60% of the residents think it’s necessary to increase the inspection and control of the odor emission inside the plants. The measured odor data show most of the odors come from refuse dumping station and ash bunker inside the plants. However, the characteristics of the odor outside the plants are different from those of inside the plants; they are caused by other emission sources. Since it’s a complicated analysis task to identify the sources of the odor materials, it’s also influenced by the weather conditions; therefore, it is suggested that the plants continue to investigate the locations with higher odor concentrations, the operating processes of the incinerators and the sources of the odor materials addressed by the residents, as well as to improve the management processes of the odor emission. Moreover, it is also suggested that the plants enhance the understanding of odor materials of the residents and the communications between two parties by proclaims.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司