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Title 地方環境資料建置計畫(基隆市、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣)
Abstract 地方環境資料庫係指由各縣(市)政府相關單位產生之環境資料庫,這些以環保局為主要產生單位之環境資料不僅為環保署全國性環境資料之主要提供者,亦為各縣市掌握轄區內環境現況之重要基礎。然而建置完整之地方環境資料庫,需要大規模之人力與經費投入,因而本計畫以「基隆市」、「宜蘭縣」與「花蓮縣」三個縣市為示範區,協助地方建置部分環境資訊,讓地方有一個基礎架構,亦能讓民眾了解一部分的環境資訊,然後再交由各縣市環保局持續改善及發展成完整的地方環境資料庫。本計畫已完成基隆市、宜蘭縣與花蓮縣環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質及環境敏感地區等五大類資料之蒐集整理,並建置查詢網頁,可納入環保署網站中「環境資訊系統」之「地方環境資料」中提供查詢。兩示範縣市之環境資料均分別以縣尺度及鄉鎮市尺度為資料範圍細目呈現。另本計畫已蒐集基隆市、宜蘭縣與花蓮縣各十個專案計畫以上成果內容,依環保署專案計畫詮釋資料登入方式,登入於環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫,可供查詢。地方環境資料庫目前已開啟背景資訊、環境基本資訊收集及彙整先端,亦先行滿足民眾部分環境資料查詢之需求,未來可循由「環境資訊建置規範」、「資料需求」、「資料生命週期」三大主軸分析方式,在符合規範要求下,逐步滿足民眾與縣市政府業務需求,並在完整之資訊生命週期體系下永續發展。
EngTitle Demonstration Plan for Local Environmental Database Construction (Keelung City, Yilan County , Hualian County)
EngAbstract This plan has already finished the collections and constructions of five major subjects of environmental database, the environmental position and development of the county, natural environment, society and humane environment, environmental quality and environmental sensitive area, for KeelungCity, YilanCounty and HualianCounty Counties. Those data were put in order, and can be inquired on WebPages, can be brought into the Environmental Protection Administration#s website and offer inquiring about in the local environmental. The environmental materials of two demonstration counties were constructed by each of villages and towns as the detailed catalogue of materials and appeared separately. Furthermore, this plan has already collected each ten project reports for KeelungCity, YilanCounty and HualianCounty counties, and has filled the projects’ contents into the metadata materials in accordance with the administration#s special format, providing for inquiring about. The local environmental database has already started the collection work for background information and basic environmental information at present, also meet some demand for environmental materials of the people and inquiring about in advance, can follow and analyze the way from three major main directions of the construction norm of environmental information, the demand of the materials, the database life cycle in the future. Under according with the request of standardizing, meeting the people and county demand progressively, local environmental database can be developed sustainablely under the intact information life cycle system.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 千一資訊有限公司