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Title 地方環境資料建置計畫(雲林縣、嘉義縣、嘉義市、台南縣、台南市)
Abstract 在環保署多年的努力之下,國內整體的環境品質已呈逐漸改善之趨勢,除了環境保護與環境管理之外,為了提供國家永續發展之研究與管理決策工作及一般民眾對於環境資訊之殷切需求,因此,必須發展一個健全而完整的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,以建置一個能夠即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。本次計畫選取雲林縣、嘉義縣、嘉義市、台南縣、台南市作為建置地區,進行資料現況蒐集與分析,預定蒐集環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等資料,經由資料的建置,藉由設計整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及下載,並將各縣市環保局專案計畫成果內容登入環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫,並對環境變遷與環境管理決策提供客觀、重要的資訊,有效提昇我國於環境保育之管理能力。本計畫共蒐集雲林縣、嘉縣縣市及台南縣市5個縣市及77個鄉鎮市之環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等環境資料並完成建置本地區地方環境資訊共2252個網頁,為配合行政院研考會營造推動無障礙網頁環境,本計畫之雛形網站採用自我認證之檢測方式,驗證全網站符合無障礙網頁規範,本雛型網站已全網站經過檢測程式測試通過,並提出無障礙網頁標章申請。除此之外,拜訪雲林縣環保局、嘉義縣市環保局、及台南縣市環保局等五個環保局,並取得五縣市之環保局委辦計畫期末報告電子檔共計52個,本計畫整理數位化之期末報告並濃縮中文摘要及翻譯英文摘要後,上傳至環保署環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫
EngTitle Local Environment Database Construction Program(Yunlin, Chia-Yi, Tai-Nan)
EngAbstract The overall environmental quality has experienced improvement under the efforts of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). In order to provide research needs and management decision-making as well as public information, we must develop a comprehensive environmental information databank to promptly offer a complete, correct and effective data and information.This project was to establish the information for Yunlin County, Chia-Yi City and County, Tai-Nan City and County. The data and information include zone development, natural environment, socio-economic conditions, environmental quality and environmental sensitive area. From collection, analysis, and selection to integration, the information was integrated into designed web pages for viewing, searching, and downloading. In addition, the project also required to collect the reports from these cities and counties and to integrate into the comprehensive databank in order to provide unbiased, objective information for effective decision-making in environmental changes and management. This project assembled the environmental information from 5mcities and counties and 77 townships on 2252 web pages, which passed the web accessibility test and was applying the registration by the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan. The web site was located at addition, this project visit the Environmental Protection Bureaus of counties and cities to collected 52 electronic report files. Both condensed Chinese and English abstracts of these reports were uploaded to the Meta Databank of EPA
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 銳(人弟)科技股份有限公司