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Title 九十三年度環保施政意向調查
Abstract 本年辦理二次調查,以各縣市二十歲以上的民眾為調查對象,採電話訪問方式進行調查。第一次調查結果顯示:四成六的民眾認為空氣品質與去(九十二)年相較,為維持現狀。五成三的民眾認為政府應優先改善的空氣污染源為汽機車等交通工具。九成五的民眾知道機車排氣定檢措施,高達九成九的民眾表示願意配合。四成六的民眾表示不知道近鄰噪音處理方式。二成五的民眾認為河川水質較去年改善,五成七的民眾認為市售禮品過度包裝情形嚴重;四成九的民眾認為居家周遭環境清潔較去年改善,四成四的民眾認為目前最嚴重的環境污染問題為空氣污染之移動污染源(汽機車等)。第二次調查結果顯示:八成八的民眾贊成裝設油氣回收設備,八成二的民眾表示油槍自動跳停後不強迫加油,不會造成困擾。七成七的民眾支持低污染噴射引擎機車補助措施;而未來機車排氣定檢需自付檢驗費,五成五的民眾表示並不會影響定檢意願。六成一的民眾知道環保機關持續稽查違反限用塑膠袋規定的商家,八成的民眾表示支持。八成六的民眾支持政府推動冷氣機任意滴水經勸導未改善,將會予以罰款的措施。八成的民眾表示推動垃圾強制分類不會造成困擾,五成九的民眾贊成垃圾處理費全面改採隨袋徵收,八成的民眾贊成垃圾跨區域合作處理。
EngTitle 2004 R.O.C. Public Opinion Survey on Environmental Policies
EngAbstract Two surveys were conducted in this year and the qualified respondents are those who aged over 20 years old and live in Taiwan, and the telephone interview. The first research findings, 46.0% of them believe that the quality of air is the same as last year. For all the origins of air pollution, 52.7% of interviewees believe that the government should reduce the pollution from motor vehicles as the highest priority. 95.2% of motorcycle owners or users know about the rule of periodical emission inspection. 98.6% of them are willing to have this inspection. 45.5% of interviewees do not know how to deal the noise from their neighborhood. 24.9% of interviewees believe the river quality is better than last year. 57.1% of interviewees believe that gift merchandise are over packed. 49.0% of interviewees believe there is improvement of hygiene in residential area. 43.9% of interviewees believe that the most serious environmental pollution problem by now in Taiwan is air pollution, which is a dynamic source. The second research findings, 88.4% of interviewees who agree that gas stations should be equipped with oil recycle system. 81.7% of interviewees express that they won’t be bothered when gasoline nozzle stop fueling automatically. 77.2% of interviewees correspond the grant policy for purchasing a low-polluted jet engine motorcycle. In the future, vehicles emission will charge. 54.6% of interviewees express that this charge won’t affect their willingness to have the inspection. 60.8% of interviewees know that EPA keeps on checking violation on using plastics bags. 79.7% of them go in for this measure. 86.3% of interviewees correspond EPA’s policy that the persons should be fined for not fixing the dripping problem on their air conditioners after counseling. 80.1% of residents have not been bothered by the garbage classification policy. 59.2% of residents agree that paying the toll within garbage bags. 80.5% of interviewees look with favor on multi-area cooperation to clear out trash to ensure the better process.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 統計室
ExecutingOrg 異視股份有限公司