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Title 南部地區氣膠組成與分布特性實測計畫
Abstract 微粒超級測站之目的為探討大氣氣膠物化特性、受體與來源的關係、衍生性反應機制及微粒的健康風險評估、人體暴露評估與量測方法之比較等,而其量測結果則提供空氣品質模式之驗證與應用等。本計畫工作已完成南部微粒超級測站之規劃與建置,核心站在高雄縣大寮之輔英科技大學,輔助衛星站則是位於高雄縣橋頭鄉之鄉公所,高雄市前鎮區之獅甲國中,屏東縣潮州鄉之潮南國小。規劃監測之項目包括微粒PM2.5與PM10之質量濃度、PM2.5之化學成分、SO42-,NO3-與EC/OC、微粒之粒徑分佈,前驅物NH3、光化學產物H2O2、NOy與吸光/散光係數等。新購儀器之平行比對目前已完成RP8400N與RP8400S之採樣分析工作,結果中發現四台8400N與其平均值之相關係數與絕對誤差百分比分別為0.98~0.99與-12%~14%,四台8400S與其平均值之相關係數與絕對偏差百分比分別為0.96~0.99與4~12%。以Dichotomous之人工採樣方法與RP8400N與RP8400S之相關係數分別為0.78與0.89,而絕對誤差百分比分別為67%與22%。RP2000對RP8400N與RP8400之相關係數均為0.80,而絕對誤差百分比分別為71%與24%。於安南站、楠梓站以及大寮站之每六日一次的例行性採樣分析,結果顯示三站之PM10與PM2.5濃度均是以大寮站最高,而三站之主要化學成分組成均是為SO42-、NO3-與NH4+。顯示衍生性氣膠為主要的貢獻來源之一。分析-gauge之空白濾紙以及採樣後之樣品的化學成分,結果顯示僅SO42、NO3-以及Cl-三種離子之樣品濃度可達統計意義,其他成分均與空白背景值相似。監測民俗活動對當地空氣品質之影響顯示大甲媽祖遶境對空氣品質之影響顯著而主要來源為增加之移動排放源,基隆中元普渡活動對空氣品質則僅略有影響。
EngTitle Measurements of Aerosol Compositions and Their Distributions in Southern Taiwan.
EngAbstract The purposes of this project are to setup the PM supersite in southern Taiwan, to compare the consistency among monitors to be used in the supersite, to measure the PM concentrations and chemical compositions in southern Taiwan, to evaluate the feasibility to analyze the particle compositions from the β–gauge filter, and to evaluate the impact of festival on the local air quality. The PM supersites in sourthern Taiwan include four monitoring stations with the core site at DaLiu, Kaohsiung and three auxiliary sites at ChoTao, Kaohsiung, ChanJen, Kaohsiung, and ChiuChou, Pingtung. The monitoring items include PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations, particulate sulfate, nitrate, and EC/OC concentrations, particle size distributions, precursors NH3, photochemical products H2O2, NOy and nephelometer. The intercomparisons showed that the correlation coefficient and relative absolute difference percentage between RP8400N and their average were 0.98 to 0.99 and 12 to 14% and those for RP8400S were 0.96 to 0.99 and 4 to 12%. Therefore, good agreements were found among the four RP8400s. The correlation coefficient between dichotomous and RP8400N and RP8400S were 0.88 and 0.94 and those for RP2000 were both 0.89. However, the relative absolute difference percentage between dichotomous and RP8400N and RP8400S were 67% and 22% and those for RP2000 were 74% and 24%. Among the three routine monitoring sites, the greatest PM concentration was at DaLiu and the major chemical species were all the same at three sites and they were sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium, implying the significant contributions from secondary aerosol. For the feasibility of analyzing the β–gauge filter, only sulfate, nitrate, and chloride showed statistically significant results; the results for other species were not statistically different from blanks. The effects of the traditional festival for DaChi MaZu on air quality were due to the increase in mobile sources and the PM concentrations could be twice greater and those for CO and NO concentrations were
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會