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Title 九十三年度毒性化學物質運作資料處理及申報輔導計畫
Abstract 1.本計畫順利完成建置許可證、登記備查、少量核可等證件之登記資料的電子化作業,並新增複合查詢與使用歷程紀錄系統。稽查系統部分,也已完成新增、修改、套印及查詢等功能並與罰款催繳系統相容,同時新增上下游買賣之申報許可勾稽功能;另於申報端完成運作紀錄離線申報系統之建置與釋放量申報系統之自動計量推估功能。2.針對電子化作業之宣導工作,已完成二場次環保單位系統操作說明會,亦協助各縣市環保局辦理毒化物法規及網路申報說明會,目前已完成四縣市共計七場次的說明會,網路申報率已提昇至84%。3.現有之毒性化學物質系統資料庫已全面清查完成,並修正、更新、統計、列印毒化物運作登記資料,已建檔之許可證資料計有689件、登記備查資料1,466件、少量核可文件資料16,901件,其基線資料已全數清查完成,確實提昇許可系統資料品質。
EngTitle Toxic Chemical Substance Operation Data Reporting Instruction and Management in Year 2004
EngAbstract The project in this year completed electronic permitting, registering, and limit quantity permitting. Compound inquiry and user-log history record system are new features added into the system. Data addition, amending, printing, and inquiry system for auditing part are also completed. Penalty payment reminding system is compatible with the aforementioned functions. Auditing system based on information of bushiness between chemical manufacturers and end-users adds in to assist environmental agency have deeper insight of the toxic chemical management. Off-line reporting and automatic quantity estimation function included in the quantity releasing reporting system are other new features. Aiming at the propaganda on the electronic reporting, 2 symposiums for the operation training are completed and totally 7 training sessions held in 4 cities are completed, this helps toxic chemicals internet reporting rate raises up to 84%.Existing toxic chemical database is thoroughly checked. The data are being amended and updated. The toxic chemicals operation record is being statistically analyzed and printed. There are totally 689 permits are filed, 1,466 cases are recorded and wait on auditing, 16,901 cases are classified as “limit quantity permit”. Total baseline information is completed with the auditing and the data reliability is upgraded.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司