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Title 市售環境用藥噴霧劑(防治蟑螂)藥效評估計畫
Abstract 本研究以美洲蟑螂、德國蟑螂為對象測試市售防治蟑螂之環境用藥噴霧劑。進行台北、台中及高雄品系蟑螂對環境用藥噴霧劑感藥性之比較。購買十種藥劑以殘效性測試、玻璃箱法、玻璃筒法、玻璃室法、驅出性試驗進行測試,並計算各種藥劑之30分鐘擊昏率、24小時死亡率、半數擊昏時間(KT50) 、95%擊昏時間(KT95)、半數驅出時間(FT50)。 十種市售防治蟑螂之環境用藥噴霧劑之藥效試驗,發現以藥劑G試驗台北品系德國蟑螂之30分鐘擊昏率(0﹪)、 24小時死亡率(0﹪),及以藥劑J試驗高雄品系德國蟑螂之30分鐘擊昏率(0﹪)為最低,由於市售環境用藥噴霧劑外包裝標示殺蟑效果以殘效為主,故應對於此兩種殺蟲劑之殘效性殺蟑效果進行再一次的檢驗。在各項試驗中,台中地區的美洲蟑螂、德國蟑螂在各項試驗中對於環境用藥噴霧劑之感受性較高,蟑螂接觸到藥物之後30分鐘擊昏率與24小時死亡率都較台北、高雄品系高。研究中以殘效性測試、玻璃箱法、玻璃筒法、玻璃室法、驅出性試驗進行測試來比較各種檢驗方式,發現殘效性測試、玻璃箱法、玻璃筒法試驗結果並無顯著差距,以玻璃室進行試驗,發現多數30分鐘擊昏率為0﹪,半數擊昏時間、95%擊昏時間大於30分鐘,由於玻璃室空間較大,藥劑噴灑較易逸散於空間中,故不建議以此方式進行環境用藥噴霧劑之試驗。驅出性試驗中,藥劑的驅出效果多數大於30分鐘,顯示藥劑驅出效果不佳。 本研究購買之十種市售防治蟑螂之環境用藥噴霧劑,其有效成分(附件五)及副成分不只一種,故難以判定單一成分之藥效。將本研究結果與環保署申請登記時之藥效試驗結果(附件 六)進行評估比較發現藥劑A、B、C、F結果均與登記時試驗結果相同,藥劑J殘效14天的原登記結果(100﹪)與此次研究結果(33.33±49.33﹪)不同。關鍵詞:噴霧劑、半數擊昏時間、半數驅出時間、死亡率、玻璃筒法、玻璃室法、殘效試驗法、德國蟑螂、美洲蟑螂
EngTitle The efficacy reevaluation of commercial aerosols products for cockroachcontrol .
EngAbstract The simulated methods of exposure to insecticides were developed to ascertain the relationship between the mortality, knockdown effect, flushing effect and residual interval of commercial aerosols by field-application rates. The adult German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) and the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.) from cohorts of Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung in Taiwan were tested with 10 commercial aerosols. The active ingredients included tetramethrin, d-tetramethrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, ipiprothrin, pyrethrin, d-allethrin, cypermethrin, s-bioallewthrin, cyphenothrin, deltamethrin and propoxur etc. varied in different products. The KT50, KT95, FT50, FT95, 30 minutes knockdown and 24 hours mortality were recorded during the tests. Among the 10 products the residual effect of products G and J on German cockroaches showed that KT50 longer than 30 minutes. American cockroaches were tested by glass cylinder method, the KT50 of product I longer than 30 minutes with low 24 hours mortality (6.67%). The glass chamber test showed the good efficacy on American cockroaches most tested products resulted 100% knockdown in 30 minutes and 100% mortality in 24 hours except product H and I. The Taichung strains of German cockroaches and American cockroach showed more susceptible to the aerosols than Taipei and Kaohsiung strains. The A, B, C, and D products showed the similar results as their original reiterated data, but the J product was lower mortality at 14 days residual effect. There were no significant different on residue effects between glass chamber method and glass cylinder method. There were significant different of knockdown effect on space spray in glass room test. The results were examined with registered data, there no significant different among A, B, C, and F products. But product J was less residual activity compared to registered data. Key words: Aerosol, KT50, FT50, mortality, glass cylinder method, glass chamber method, residue method, German cockroach, American cockroach
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學昆蟲系