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Title 毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-南區毒災應變諮詢中心專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫已於九十三年一月二十日完成簽約程序,至今已完成下列工作事項:在執行毒化物外洩控制操練工作事項方面,完成毒化物外洩控制系統的建置並辦理各縣市毒災模擬演練之實地操練十場次,其能確實達到針對地方環保單位、與會人員訓練及教育宣導目的。 在開發高階擴散軟體本土化,執行毒化物運作場所事故後果分析,完成高階擴散模擬軟體本土化的開發及40廠家的擴散模擬。南區毒災視訊影像監控與錄存系統,將持續執行視訊影像監控與錄存功能。在毒化物運作廠所周遭空氣中毒化物污染密閉式FTIR的檢測分析工作,完成13種毒化物之標準圖譜與半定量分析標準的建立及30家毒化物運作場所,每一場所20筆、共600筆以上採樣分析及資料建檔工作。毒化物運作場所週遭水及土壤之環境採樣與分析工作,完成家數為50家、每一家運作廠所至少五件分析樣品、共完成250件以上分析資料建檔。在毒災資訊建置方面,已建置智慧型應變資料庫查詢與傳送系統一套,並完成1000家廠商建置與更新列管編號一至五十四號之毒化物應變資料。毒災應變第一階段技術人員訓練教材已完成更新,教材之主要結構不變,教材內容則請環安系教授以其專業領域針對教材不同之章節進行更新動作,此外亦針對製作毒性化學物質事故應變與善後處理標準作業程序。在協助環保局進行毒化物運作場所無預警測試方面,本年度已完成32場次,在辦理各縣市毒災模擬演練部分,已於各縣市規劃辦理十一場毒災模擬演練。中心今年度發行三期簡訊,三期簡訊已於五月、八月、十一月份發行,每期將發行1,500份。中心亦與辦南區毒災聯合防救小組組訓二場;各縣市環保局、消防局及軍事單位等動員講習2場,並於十一月十九、二十日與北、中毒災中心共同舉辦一場次之毒災事故應變、化學武器攻擊與案例分析研討會,針對三區今年度所實際參與之事故做分析、檢討。在毒化物運作廠場應變輔導方面,中心已完成42家廠商之輔導,並已ALOHA擴散模式推估其工廠所運作毒化物發生事故時可能產生範圍。在收集國內外毒災相關案例方面,分為三種不同方向進行資料蒐集與分析檢討,在國內外毒災案例方面,已完成10件國內毒化災案例之分析檢討;在蒐集國內外化學武器攻擊應變資料案例方面,已蒐集化學武器相關資料並彙整整理;在蒐集國外含環境賀爾蒙及其他各種化學品管制有關資訊案例中,將進行文獻蒐集(資料來源,並蒐集曾於國外期刊上發表的相關資料。 今年至93年12月7日為止,一般諮詢案件共計有13件,電子媒體監控記錄共計有101件,毒災應變事故到現場諮詢案例共計有20件。綜合以上所述,南區毒災應變諮詢中心本年工作盡度順利完成,未來將持續發揮輔導、宣導、訓練等工作項目,能有效降低事故的發生率,並期有效協助並配合政府單位強化毒性化學物質災害應變能力。
EngTitle Setup Project of Disaster Mitigation Technology and Supporting System for Toxic Chemical Substances Incidents - Southern Center for Emergency Response of Toxic Substance Project
EngAbstract This project contract initiated at January 20th 2004 and has completed the following work:In toxic chemical release control, a toxic chemical release control system has been setup and 10 drills were held in different counties, ensuring the local EPA office and relevant staffs fully aware of the function of the system.A dispersion model incorporating fire and explosion models was developed and consequence modeling was performed for 40 toxic facilities.The center has setup a media new monitoring system and will continue to monitoring and recording incident news.The Center also completed the setup of a closed-cell FTIR system for online air monitoring and performed background monitoring of 30 facilities operating with toxic substances, each with twenty measurements and total of six hundred measurement and spectra. The Center also setup a laboratory of environmental analysis of toxic incident to provide prompt sampling and analysis of polluted water and soil. The laboratory also has built up of analytical methods for 96 toxic substances and performed the analyses of environmental background for 50 toxic facilities each with 5 set of environmental background data.In the information system for toxic substance, the Center has built a search and automatic fax transmission system for toxic substances database. The response resources from a total of 1000 facilities operating with toxic substances were collected and built into a resource list. The response information for listed No 1 to No 54 toxic substances was also updated and error-corrected.Training materials for level-one responders were updated by specialists in the emergency response. The standard operating procedures for disaster cleanup for EPA officers, fire fighters, on-scene coordinators were developed. The Center has help local EPA officers in performing no-warning response testing. A total of 32 testing were done. The Center also helped local counties in drills of toxic substance incidents. A total of 11 drills has been done this year. Both work
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 南區毒災應變諮詢中心