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Title 推動環保科技創新育成中心
Abstract 「環保科技育成中心計畫」計畫為行政院環境保護署為協助國內環保產業提昇環保技術,加速改善國內環境品質,所大力推動之創新研發計畫。計畫執行期程自92至96年度,為期5年。藉由補助部分經費的方式,協助國內各創新育成中心與廠商,共同開發創新或具實用性的環保技術或設備。本年度補助項目包括「有害廢棄物創新處理技術或設備」、「土壤及地下水整治創新處理技術或設備」、「資源回收再利用創新處理技術或設備」及「具前瞻性環保創新技術或設備」等4大類別之計畫。  本年度分別於3月及5月各辦理1次計畫徵選公告,分別有12所及7所創新育成中心與合作廠商共同提出申請。經過「技術審查委員會」審查後,共計2次公告分別補助8項與4項環保科技創新育成計畫,進行創新技術或設備之研發工作。其中,第1階段所補助的8項計畫已於11月29與30日完成期末審查。至於第2階段的4項補助計畫,因計畫執行期程需至94年3月31日方結束,故目前僅完成期中審查,預計將於94年2月底辦理期末審查,完成本年度所有補助計畫之創新研發工作。此外,本年度計畫亦彙整國內外育成中心相關資料,並參酌計畫執行實際狀況,針對計畫的制度面提出改善建議。
EngTitle Promotion for Environmental Technology Incubator Porgram
EngAbstract “The Plan for the Promotion of Environmental Technology Incubators” is a five-year (2003-2007) project that was launched under the leadership of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Executive Yuan to facilitate the technological upgrading in the environmental industries and speed up the improvement of domestic environment. Grants are made available for local incubators and companies to develop innovative or workable environmental equipment or technologies. The 4 major categories of this year’s grant scheme are for the “hazardous wastes treatment”, “remediation for soil and underground water polluted sites”, “resource recycling and reuse” and “foreseeing environmental issues”. This year, 12 and 7 incubators applied for the grant separately on March and May. Later, after reviewed by a Technology Review Committee, 8 and 4 incubator teams were approved for granted. In summary, the 8 projects of the 1st announcement have already met their final qualification on November 29th and 30th, while the 4 projects of the 2nd announcement have to wait until next March. Besides, information about running and promoting the incubators has been collected from US, Japan and Europe, which is compared with domestic incubation plans. Moreover, through the comparison above and checking of this year’s project, system review has been made to bring out some improving suggestions for “The Plan for the Promotion of Environmental Technology Incubators”.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會