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Title 從銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)複合材料中分離銀金屬—高溫電漿熔融技術之開發研究
Abstract 銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)觸媒之用量隨著世界環氧乙烷及乙二醇之用量增加而大幅提升,傳統資源回收技術已不易因應衍生複合性廢棄物中之貴金屬回收及純化。為簡化製程和提昇回收技術與經濟效益,本計畫採用高溫熔融爐進行銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)觸媒回收銀金屬之試驗。銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)觸媒經過重金屬總量分析測得銀之含量約為8.16wt%。進一步對觸媒進行SEM-EDS之定性半定量分析,觸媒中Ag之含量約為8.19%。使用SEM電子掃描顯微鏡觀察分離出之金屬圓球表面細微結構,可觀察到圓狀粒子被整體熔融物質包覆,顯示經過高溫熔融過程後金屬物質如Ag已被分離出來。而使用XRD進行熔渣之結晶相分析,結果顯示熔融物均已達到玻璃化。經過計算後實驗Ca10Ag10CS、實驗Ca15Ag5CS、實驗Ca15Ag5CS-2、實驗Ca20Ag5CS與實驗Ca25Ag5CS之回收率分別為64.2%、12.5%、59.8%、86.7%與79.5%。針對電漿熔融爐之經濟效益評估,以每天操作10小時,1小時可處理100公斤進料量,一個月操作21天,ㄧ個月可處理含銀廢觸媒21公噸進行估算。經過計算後,每個月處理成本為4,134,650元,每公噸處理成本為196,888元。假設廢觸媒為免費提供,所回收之銀以1公斤20,000元賣出,則每個月廢觸媒所回收之銀可營收6,720,000元。扣除每個月處理成本後,處理廢觸媒每個月稅前獲利為2,585,350元。針對高溫電漿熔融技術應用於印刷電路板與鈷鉬觸媒內之貴金屬回收,經實驗驗證於印刷電路板應可行,鈷鉬觸媒之適用性仍有待商榷。
EngTitle The Investigation of Recovery Silver Metal from Ag/Al2O3 Non-Fresh Catalyst by the Plasma Techeque
EngAbstract The epoxidation of ethylene with oxygen (O2) was catalyzed by using Ag/Al2O3. Recently, the demand amount of ethylene epoxy and ethylene glacial were creation year by year in the word. The traditional recovery methodology of heavy metal could not deal with the complex waste materials. As a result, we investigated the new method by plasma to recover the silver form the non-fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst. The non-fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst contained 8.16% of silver by the heavy metal analysis method. The silver contain was 8.19% in catalyst by conforming with SEM-EDS method. When the experimental samples were scanned by SEM, we found that most of silver was concentrated below the bottom and partly silver was covered in the slag. Since, we believe the non-fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst was fully fused at the high temperature (~1500 oC) in plasma oven. The recovery ratios individual were 64.2%、12.5%、59.8%、86.7% and 79.5% in the Ca10Ag10CS, Ca15Ag5CS, Ca15Ag5CS-2, Ca20Ag5CS and Ca25Ag5CS batches. Following the results, silver was separated with alumina oxide from the non-fresh catalyst. We calculated the recovery benefit by basing on the handle amount of 100 kg for one day and the 21 working days in one mouth. The economic profits of the recovery of plasma technique, 21 tons of non-fresh catalyst could be handled and N.T. 2,585,350 was obtained in one mouth. We have tried to apply the plasma technique in the waste PCB and non-fresh Co/Mo to recover the heavy metal (Cu and Co/Mo). Following the experiment result, the plasma technique could be applied in the recovery of waste PCB to recover copper. For the recovery of non-fresh Co/Mo, the reaction condition and parameters would be modified in the future.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立成功大學暨光洋應用材料科技股份有限公司