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Title 九十二及九十三年度微粒超級監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫(九十三年度)
Abstract 本計畫進行微粒超級測站操作運轉的每月定期查核和每兩個月不定期查核,並彙整監測數據,在大陸沙塵影響期間進行微粒的人工採樣,然後比對人工採樣結果與連續監測數據。結果顯示:超級測站各項儀器監測數據的資料可用率除了RP8400S 硫酸鹽監測儀及PAS2000 PAH分析儀外,其餘均在85%以上。但,RP5400 和RP8400S監測數據低於偵測極限的數目偏多。在本年度沙塵影響期間,RP1400 PM2.5質量濃度監測值與人工採樣結果有很好的一致性。比較2002~2004年歷年黃沙時期人工採樣器與自動監測儀(RP1400)在PM2.5濃度監測值,全部呈現變化趨勢及濃度值的一致性。在微粒成分的比對方面,RP5400碳分析儀持續低於人工採樣結果,該儀器在2004年的比對普遍低估50%以上,有折耗及劣化現象;RP8400N硝酸鹽濃度比人工量測值來得低但趨勢變化相當一致;RP8400S硫酸鹽濃度比人工採樣也是低估,這是由於該儀器有洩漏的情形。為瞭解各儀器的狀況,未來持續的儀器比對仍有其必要。本年度持續彙整更新微粒監測技術,評估設置超級測站效益,並針對超級測站的運轉,提出後續營運規劃,期望超級測站能夠繼續提供有效的微粒特性資料。
EngTitle Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Aerosol Monitoring from Supersite in 2004.
EngAbstract This work performs monthly scheduled and bi-monthly random inspections on the maintenance and operation of Taiwan aerosol supersite. Also, the monitored data are acquired and stored in a fixed format in this work. During the Asian dust affecting period, aerosols were collected manually and analyzed to compare with the monitored data from automated instruments. The results show that data availability from most automated instruments is above 85% except for RP8400S sulfate analyzer and PAS2000 PAH analyzer. Also, the numbers of monitoring data below detection limit from RP5400 carbon analyzer and RP8400S are abnormally high. It is noted that the contrast between automated RP1400 monitor and manual PM2.5 collection method is in excellent agreement for Asian dust affecting period in 2004.For the comparisons of automated monitoring data and collocated manual collections from 2002 to 2004, RP1400 PM2.5 shows excellent agreement with manual method both in trend and concentration. However, the values from RP5400 carbon analyzer are consistently lower than the ones from manual method. The measurements of this carbon analyzer are even underestimated for more than 50% this year, which indicates a downgrade and wear in instrument. The values from RP8400N nitrate analyzer are also persistently lower than that from manual method but the correlation is moderately good. Similarly, the sulfate monitored from RP8400S is also lower due to fail to pass the leak test. To validate instrument performance, a continued intercomparison between automated instrument and manual method in the future is still considered a necessity. In addition to instrument-related subjects, new monitoring progress, the benefits of setting up aerosol supersite, and suggestions for instrument renewal are also proposed in this work. It is expected to provide effective monitoring data continuously from aerosol supersite.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 環工所