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Title 直昇機航空噪音管制策略、管制措施及防制方法之建立
Abstract 直昇機市場開放後,直昇機及其起降場產生之噪音對周圍地區民眾產生干擾及影響環境安寧,行政院環境保護署藉由本計畫針對國內外民用及軍用直昇機之現況、相關法令、管制措施進行資料蒐集,並參考國際民航組織及美國聯邦飛航總署之規定,擬定我國未來在直昇機航空噪音管制可行之措施、規範及防制方法。除民用直昇機及其起降場之噪音管制外,對於飽受民眾陳情之軍用直昇機場噪音問題,亦期透過本計畫蒐集世界各國軍用機場噪音管制策略及措施,以擬定適合我國國情之最佳方案,落實航空噪音防制工作。同時,對桃園龍潭、台中新社及台南歸仁等三座直昇機機場周圍設置航空噪音自動連續監測系統,並配合相關法令規定,定期校正及維護。計畫中以擬定我國未來在直昇機航空噪音管制之措施、規範及防制方法;建立適用我國直昇機航空噪音標準量測方法、推估模式及評估指標及建置直昇機航空噪音監測站監測資料判讀及查驗標準作業流程,提供予機場所在地縣市環保局作為劃定三級航空噪音防制區之依據,及處理陳情案件之參考意見,並舉辦成果發表會發表為工作目標。本計畫工作共分成七大項:一、蒐集國際直昇機航空噪音管制法令、政策及防制措施相關資料,以及各種直昇機航空噪音測量與評價標準,並加以較分析。二、評估國內直昇機航空噪音之影響,並推估可能之陳情型態,研擬我國管制之措施、規範及防制方法。三、探討影響直昇機航空噪音量傳遞及衰減之原因,規劃適用我國之噪音推估模式。四、研擬我國直昇機航空噪音標準量測方法,並規劃評估適用我國之直昇機航空噪音評估指標,以及對人體、建築物之影響。五、協助行政院環境保護署於九十三年三月五日前完成桃園龍潭、台中新社及台南歸仁等三座直昇機機場,進行監測值穩定性及監測資料正確性之判讀及查核。六、協助行政院環境保護署於九十三年六月五日前完成前述三機場之等噪音線圖初步劃定,並與監測資料進行比對修正。七、舉辦三場諮詢會議或座談會,以廣納各界意見,並舉辦成果發表會發表。
EngTitle Formulation of Control Strategies, Control Measures, and Prevention Methods on Helicopter Noise
EngAbstract Anticipating the disruption of and impact on the environmental tranquility of the surrounding public to be caused by the noise derived from helicopters and heliports after the opening of the local helicopter market, through the implementation of this project, the EPA of the Executive Yuan plans to draw up practicable control measures, regulations, and prevention methods for future helicopter noise control in our country by collecting information on current situations, related laws and regulations, and control measures concerning the civil and military helicopter operations home and abroad and making reference of the related rules and regulations adopted by ICAO and FAA. The work of this project is divided into 7 parts: 1) collecting and comparatively analyzing the information on international helicopter noise control laws and decrees, policies, and prevention measures, as well as various helicopter noise measurement and evaluation standards; 2) evaluating the impact of helicopter noise in our country and estimating the possible petition forms and drafting the control measures, regulations, and prevention methods suitable for our country; 3) exploring the causes that influence helicopter noise transmission and attenuation and drawing up the noise estimation models suitable for our country; 4) drafting the standard measurements of helicopter noise for our country, drawing up helicopter noise evaluation indicators suitable for our country, and evaluating the impact of helicopter noise on human body and buildings; 5) assisting EPA in conducting the interpretation and validation of monitoring values for stability and monitoring data for correctness at the three heliports in Longtan, Xinshe, and Guiren; 6) assisting EVA in conducting preliminary delimitation of noise profile and comparison and correction of monitoring data for the above 3 heliports; 7) holding 3 consulting meetings or forums (to collect views and opinions from related communities) and a results announcement campaign for this project.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣永續工程顧問有限公司