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Title 執行非屬原子能游離輻射-高壓輸電線、變電所或行動電話基地台鄰近學校產生電磁場之量測及其對學童健康評估
Abstract 在2004年4月至11月間,本研究總共完14所暴露組校園與18所對照組校園之環境極低頻磁場測量,101名暴露組校園學生與123名對照組學生之個人24小時隨身測量,6所暴露組校園與9所暴露組校園之射頻輻射測量,以及暴露組與對照組校園各1,117與2,204名學童的健康問卷。主要發現摘要如下:目前我國環保署所公告的環境極低頻電磁場與射頻輻射管制規範與國際間多數國家的管制規範一致,而目前並未有國家特別針對兒童經常活動的場所(如幼稚園、小學校園等)訂定特別的管制規範。校園遭受高壓輸電線跨越校園上空或鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所的確會在特定的校園室內仍遠低低於我國環保署所建議之管制規範數值(833 mG)。整體而言,暴露組與對照組校園之環境極低頻磁場與射頻輻射強度平均值並無顯著差異。個人量測數據也顯示暴露組與對照組學童的平均磁場暴露強度,無論在校內或校外並無顯著差異。暴露組校園雖有較高的射頻輻射暴露,但其值仍遠低於目前環保署所公佈之規範建議值(0.45-0.90 mW/cm2)。對照組學生在受訪前一個月內整體就醫的比率上顯著高於暴露組,看過西醫的比率也顯著較高。多數家長或主要照顧者並不知道其孩子所就讀的學校校園是否鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所,但多認為校園鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所會對學童健康造成某些或很大影響。在擔心的程度上,對照組之家長或主要照顧者反而比較擔心孩子就讀鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所的學校會影響孩子的健康。
EngTitle Non-ionizing radiation-measurements of campus electromagnetic fields emitter from nearby transmission lines, substations, or base stations as well as assessment of their potential health effects on sc
EngAbstract Between April and November, 2004, we completed environmental ELF measurements in 14 exposed campuses and 18 control campuses. A total of 101 students from exposed campuses and 123 students of control campuses completed continuous personal dosimetry for 24 hours. Measurements of RF were also completed in 6 exposed campuses and 9 control campuses. Besides, parents of 1,117 students from exposed campuses and 2,204 students of control campuses returned to us the information regarding the health status of their children. The main findings of this study are listed below.The EFL and RF regulation guidelines proposed by Taiwan EPA has been consistent to the exposure guidelines adopted by most of the countries in the world. To the best of our knowledge, there are no national guidelines in the world specifically set for regulating EMF exposure in certain sensitive areas, such as kindergarden and elementary school campus. The ELF magnetic field intensity was observed to be higher in certain areas inside the exposed campuses, but it is not as high as the EPA criteria (833 mG). Generally, there are no significant differences in ELF between the two groups of campuses.There is no signiffiecnt difference in personal dosimetry betweem the two groups of campuses, irrespective of the dosimetry was performed inside campus or outside campus.The RF exposure is higher in exposed campuses than in control campuses, but it is still much lower than the exposure criteria set by Taiwan EPA (0.45-0.90 mW/cm2).The students from control campuses had higher incidence of clinical visits than those of exposed campuses. A majority of parents have no idea about whether or not the schools attended by their children are close to HVTL or substations, but many of them believe that there would be potential adverse health effects from such exposure. Additionally, compared to parents of exposed campuses, parents of control groups are even more worrying about the adverse effects of their children from such exposure.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣流行病學學會