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Title 機動車輛污染檢驗機構查核計畫
Abstract 國內空氣污染物中,來自移動性污染源(亦即機動車輛)之項目為主要污染物之一,環保署為有效管制每年各車廠(汽、機車廠)所出廠新車之排放量,以降低對空氣品質的影響,遂依機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法,認可授權各車廠之檢驗室自行進行品管測試,而為使各檢驗室之運作能達一定之品質,故需每年針對各檢驗室進行查核作業。本年度共完成包括(1)對已許可十四家十六間機動車輛檢測機構實驗室執行查核及複檢(2)協助環檢所督導機動車輛污染測定機構年度相關性測試四十六場次(3)配合環檢所品質系統基本規範公告內容,個別協助輔導十四家十六間機動車輛檢測機構實驗室修訂及編撰實驗室管理手冊十六場次(4)辦理二場次機動車輛污染檢測機構業者座談會及一場次現場評鑑專家研習會(5)辦理機動車輛污染控制技術理論及實務研習(6)推廣機動車輛檢測量測不確定度評估(7)協助機動車輛污染測定機構管理行政規則之修訂,等七項工作項目。
EngTitle Checking on motor wehicles emission testing institutions
EngAbstract In the aspect of the air pollution of this country, the pollutants emitted from motor vehicles are mainly. Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)has intended to control the amounts of pollutants from motor vehicle and reduce the influences to environment. The motor vehicles manufacturers they perform the quality control testing which were approved and be authorized by EPA. Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) check on the laboratories annual and ensuring they will follow the regulations which were issued by EPA . We set the following goals and tasks to be carried out in this year: (1) To carry out checking on the motor vehicle testing laboratories that have been authorized by the EPA (2) To witness the laboratories to perform the correlation test. (3) To assist the laboratories to establish the quality system document. (4) To carry out the conferences including the laboratories and specialists. (5) To hold a seminar for automotive emission control technique theory. (6) To expand the assessment of measurement uncertainty for vehicle testing. (7) To assist the amendments and revisions of the relevant regulations governing the management of emission level testing institutions for motor vehicles.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 環檢所