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Title 九十三年環保罰款催繳管理系統功能提升暨維護管理
Abstract 本系統以三年之時間規劃及建置,目前於環保署及各縣市環保局已建置完成並開始上線運作,本年度計畫執行重點為系統功能提昇及維護管理,並規劃本系統更新程式下載安裝機制與其他環保系統之匯入(出)模組,減少環保機關因重複建檔所增加之人力負荷等相關功能,並派遣專人至各縣市地方環保局輔導系統之維護及操作使用,同時整合各環保局系統使用者對本系統功能提昇之建議,經環保署管考處評估後進行系統功能提昇,促使本系統符合各方之要求,並提昇整個環保罰款催稽作業之效率。
EngTitle Plan and lmplementation of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System of 2003
EngAbstract This system was established in 3 years period, and it is used by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and localb environmental protection bureau nationwide. The proposed scheme in this year is to maintain and upgrade its functions, by developing new features like programming renewal download mechanism and data input/output/transferring between this system and other environmental management system. Such arrangement will save the manpower on repetitive data key-in. Professionals are sent to local environmental protection bureau for system maintenance and operation, and adopt various comments on the system. Through EPA’s evaluation on these comments, we upgrade the system according to the comments and raise the overall efficiency of hastening of environmental violation penalty overdue payment.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司