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Title 九十三年度環境影響評估研討及相關法規與資源保育宣導計畫
Abstract 環境影響評估法公佈實施至今已屆滿九年多,平均每年約有300件開發行為的環評說明書及評估書初稿,透過目的事業主管機關轉送各級環保主管機關的環評審查委員會公開審查,其在公害防治、環境維護及生態保育等方面具有相當重要的功能。隨時空及環境之變遷,環境影響評估相關法令陸續公布,其包括環境影響評估法施行細則、開發行為環境影響評估作業準則、環境影響評估審議規範、及環境影響評估技術規範等,均顯示出我國環境影響評估制度也不斷地修正調整,以符合社會及自然環境之需要,並追求環境影響評估制度之合理性。為達本計畫之年度目標,本會執行辦理環境影響評估研討及相關法規與資源保育宣導會,並進行環境影響評估相關法令及資源保育相關資訊收集彙整,作為宣導解說之基礎資訊。加強開發單位及環境影響評估相關之工程顧問(公司)機構對於環境影響評估法令及制度的了解與重視,並提供政府機關與開發單位及環境影響評估相關之工程顧問(公司)機構之雙向溝通機會。為加強資源保育觀念的宣導,特別在宣導會中結合當地特有之生態景觀,進行戶外解說導覽,使與會者能親身體會、瞭解自然生態的多樣性,並進一步認識人和自然與開發建設的互動關係,以達宣導資源保育觀念,並喚起大家對資源保育工作的共識與尊重。
EngTitle The plan of The Environmental Impact Assessment regulations and ecological conservation promotion seminars in Fiscal Year 93
EngAbstract The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act has been enacted for nine years and there is an average of 300 EIA statements or draft reports each year from the newly developing projects. The important function of the public review by the EIA committees under different local provinces or counties is to prevent pollution, maintain our environment and ecology.With time, relevant EIA regulations have been announced under the Act including EIA implementation process, guidelines, review specifications and technical specifications. This demonstrates that the EIA system is constantly updated to cope with the needs of social and natural environment, and also aiming at developing a rational EIA system.To achieve this year’s target, Taiwan Environmental Management Association (TEMA) organized EIA regulations and ecological conservation promotion seminars. The relevant data collected in these areas will be the basic materials used in the promotion seminars. At the same time, these promotion seminars could reinforce concepts of the project developing organizations and EIA consultants on EIA regulations and system, and also provided the communication channel between government and the project developing organizations and EIA consultants.To emphasize the concept of ecological conservation, TEMA organized the promotion seminars at the local ecological resource areas with outing and briefing so as to let participants to experience the biodiversity of nature by themselves. At the same time, participants can understand the relationship between people, nature and developing projects, hoping to achieve a common consensus and respect on ecological conservation.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會