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Title 生態旅遊環境監測機制檢討與實務講習
Abstract 本計畫執行內容包括:調查國內生態旅遊地環境監測辦理情形、辦理生態旅遊地環境監測實務研習會及探討現行「生態旅遊地環境監測機制」之施行成果。第一階段,利用問卷調查各生態旅遊地環境監測辦理情形,彙整資料後,進行現況分析及探討。第二階段,辦理生態旅遊地環境監測實務研習會,成立環境監測工作坊,進行戶外實作及室內課程研討,增進與會人員對於生態旅遊地環境監測機制之瞭解,進一步核定生態旅遊地環境監測項目。第三階段,進行生態旅遊地環境監測機制之施行成果分析,根據書面調查結果、工作坊核定之監測項目及課程研討等,針對現行之「生態旅遊地環境監測機制」,提出部份修正及調整之建議,並重新研擬出一套具體可行的生態旅遊地環境監測機制,提供政府機關未來執行生態旅遊地環境監測之參考資料。
EngTitle self-criticism for the mechanism of environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites and study meetings on implementation.
EngAbstract The project was completed with three stages: 1) Surveying the current progress of environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites in Taiwan. 2) Organizing meetings and workshops on implementation of environmental monitoring for ecotourism. 3) Analyzing the efficacy of “mechanism of environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites”.In the first stage, we used questionnaires to survey various ecotourism locations on their current practices in environmental monitoring. The collected data were analyzed and results discussed.In the second stage, we held several study meetings and workshops to let the members study indoors and practice outdoors on the issues of environmental monitoring. The goals of these meetings and workshops were to have members understand and become accustomed to environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites, as well as to establish adequate parameters for environmental monitoring In the third stage, based on the conclusions of survey questionnaires and workshops, and the results of actual monitoring data, we made recommendations on the present mechanism of environmental monitoring. In addition, we presented this improved.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人中華民國永續生態旅遊協會