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Title 稻草收割時期加強巡查及宣導管制計畫
Abstract 臺中縣環境保護局為有效管制露天燃燒行為,使民眾了解露天燃燒對環境及健康之衝擊,並持續推廣收割後稻草處置之替代方案,遂辦理九十三年度「臺中縣稻草收割時期加強巡查及宣導管制計畫」,期藉由計畫之執行,達成降低露天燃燒行為、改善露天燃燒習慣及建置後續管制作業三大計畫目標。本計畫內容包括環境背景分析、文獻資料的蒐集、加強稽巡查管制作業、多元化宣導作業、農事清單資料庫及專屬網站的建置,除了各項作業規劃及具體成果說明之外,針對各項管制工作亦提出成效分析檢討及結論建議事項,提供來年計畫作為參考。
EngTitle Halm harvests period strengthen patrol and propaganda control plan
EngAbstract In order to act for control exposed to the weather burn behaviours effectivelly, make civilian understand the impact to environment and health, and abidingly popularize halm dispose alternative plan , Taichung county Environmental Protection Agency transacts in 93 "Taichung county halm harvests period strengthen patrol and propaganda control plan ".By means of by plan execute, reach three chief plans aim,including debasing exposed to the weather burn behaviours, ameliorating exposed to the weather burns custom and building documents for follow-up control work.The plan includes environment background analysing, referrence and document data gathering, strengthen patroling work, multiplication propagandaing work, farm work bill data base and own website#s building.Besides each item work layout and concrete illustrates, direct to each item control job bring up effect analysing and conclusion and suggestion , supply referrence to the next year plan.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)