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Title 奈米技術於環保領域之應用計畫
Abstract 本計畫收集美、加、英、法、德、日、韓、臺及中國大陸等九個國家奈米技術環境影響及健康危害相關資訊,構建奈米技術環境應用網站資料庫,涵蓋空氣污染防制、水污染防治、廢棄物處理、土壤及地下水污染處理、奈米技術對環境及健康危害與監測技術等六大主題。今年資料庫已收錄了40個研究機構、新聞及期刊連結、70篇研究論文摘要及110位國內外學者專家的背景資料。並收集國內外相關技術的相關資訊, 2002年美國環保署邀請了數百位的科學家與工程師,針對奈米技術於環保領域應用等相關議題進行座談後,認為奈米技術在奈米結構材料設計、奈米尺度製造技術、生物化學及偵測應用都具有重大的挑戰性。根據以上資料,環保署研擬了36項奈米技術應用於環保領域應用發展趨勢主題。計畫中透過搜尋網路、期刊論文及國內相關技術發展資訊,完成了32項奈米技術於環境領域應用開發趨勢報告及環境奈米技術國際現況報告,並排定相關技術可能執行之先後優先順序,供環保署及各界參考。本計畫已建立建立了奈米碳管、碳黑、富勒烯、二氧化鈦、鐵氟龍、白金微粒、奈米銥微粒、聚苯乙烯、二氧化錳及奈米銀微粒等十種奈米材料的物質的清冊資料庫。並依據收集相關資訊,評析奈米碳管及奈米二氧化鈦的生產製造與應用、人員暴露、環境逸散、產品販售及廢棄物處理等可能產生之衝擊,進而研擬擴大毒理性質研究、廢棄物回收、鼓勵開發奈米相關量測、監測設備與系統…等11項相關之因應對策。另外,透過實地進行奈米粉體製程暴露評估,瞭解製程中機台維修及取得產品時奈米微粒暴露的濃度,值得相關人士注意,並進一步研擬了奈米粉體製程作業人員防護準則與奈米製程廢氣排放規範,保護作業人員安全及周遭的環境。在氧化銅及氧化鐵觸媒去除NOx技術研發中,發現氧化銅觸媒在200 ?C時對NO轉化率可達95%以上,反應溫度較現行商業觸媒低100-150 ?C。今年度辦理了一場國內奈米技術論壇及國際研討會,藉由邀請學者專家演講,瞭解國內外相關奈米技術的發展現況,以及創造國內外學者專家交流的平台,並探討奈米技術及相關產品可能潛在的健康風險。
EngTitle Study in Nanotechnology Application on Environmental Protections
EngAbstract In this project, an Internet databank of the environmental nanotechnology has been established. Fields of air pollution control, waste water treatment, soil and ground water pollution treatment, environmental impaction and health risk of nanotechnology, and sensing technology are classified in this databank. There are introductions of 40 research institutes, news, related journals and 70 research papers, and introductions of 110 international and domestic researchers in the databank.In 2002, USEPA invited more than 100 scientists and engineers to conferences of environmental nanotechnology and related issues and many important conclusions have been reached. Taiwan EPA adapted these important conclusions and complied into 36 topics that are related to environmental nanotechnology. 32 topics have been collected and written for the references of Taiwan EPA and publics. A priority list of possible environmental nanotechnology projects was suggested by an assessment of Taiwan’s research and development capacities.Differential analyses of bulk and nano materials are used to construct MSDS for some nanomaterials, such as CNT, CB, C60, TiO2, Teflon, Pt, Ir, polystyrene, MnO2, and Ag nanopowder. Moreover, exposure evaluations of two pilot nanopowder processes have been evaluated on-site to assess nanoparticle emissions. The results showed the stages of product collections and machine maintenances released high concentrations of nanopowder into the work environment. According to these findings, protective guidelines and operational protocols for the operators of nanopowder processes were drafted.A forum and international symposium were held in this year. The current developments of environmental nanotechnology were elaborated and discussed as well as the academic and industrial collaborations between domestic and international professionals were achieved and established during these conferences. The suggestions of these conferences showed researchers should investigate the potential risk of nanotechnology on environmen
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心