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Title 臺中縣逸散性面源清查及污染減量管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫共計需完成八大項目之工作,而本計畫之主要工作項目是調查臺中縣境內產生逸散性粒狀物的祼露地,調查範圍包含有學校、河灘及一般裸露地,共計完成34所學校調查、20筆裸露地調查及3筆河灘裸露地調查。由於各項工作之間均有其關聯性,因此實際執行上為多項工作合併執行並填寫於相同之記錄表中,各項工作之說明、報告書對應頁數及完成度如摘要表所示。此外,各項作業及相關文件電子檔,亦依合約書燒錄成十份光碟片,轉交環保局收存,以利環保局資訊整合。
EngTitle Taichung county emitting pollution source research and pollution decrement control plan.
EngAbstract This plan must complete eight projects. This plan was investigation of fugitive particulate from exposed surfaces in Taichung. Investigate the scope containment school, beach areas and general exposed surfaces. The plan were completes 56 inquisitions of schools, 20 inquisitions of exposed surfaces and 3 inquisitions of beach areas. Because between each work has its connection, therefore actually carries out for many work merge and fills in the same data sheet. The report correspondence number of pages and the complete rate was showed as abstract table. In addition, each work and related document also recorded ten discs.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)