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Title 毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-中區毒災應變諮詢中心
Abstract 本年度(93年)為中區毒災應變諮詢中心成立之第三年度,提供中區縣市政府及事業單位毒化物防災諮詢、教育訓練與宣導、兩小時內立即到場的協助緊急應變、救災諮詢、監測採樣及災後除污等工作,以降低及減少毒性化學物質災害與影響為設立目標。本年度已完成成果包括:1. 完成更新中區毒災應變諮詢中心網頁(,並配合組訓及動員講習之課程完成e-Hazmat School(之雛型網站建置及發送四期中心電子報。2. 評估中區毒化物運作廠商之TIM化學品使用為國內恐怖攻擊的可能性,並蒐集國內外關參考資料。整理美國化學工程師學會化學程序中心(CCPS)-事業安全弱點分析工具進行安全弱點分析之內容及分析表格。摘要『恐怖攻擊對供應鏈的衝擊』相關評估報告。協助毒管處完成毒化物恐怖攻擊應變處置作為報告、毒化物恐怖攻擊處置方案及支援全民防衛動員工作。並完成POPs及REACH相關資訊摘要翻譯共計54篇。3. 辦理中區專家應變研習會議、組訓及動員講習活動各2場次,並協助辦理中部各縣市環保局毒性化學物質災害防救技術演練共計9場次。4. 中心全年無休二十四小時執勤待命,本年度案例:一般諮詢70件、到場支援17件、事故環境監測17場次,運作場廠環境監測37場次,運作場所檢核53場次及運作場所後果分析51場次,並配合中區各縣市環保單位完成39場次無預警測試。5. 更新編號55-105列管毒性化學物質MSDS,並配合雙語化作業期程提供英文版之MSDS。24小時視訊影像監控與錄存國內、外有線新聞電視,本年度共計收集104件影訊並確認後陳報轉送環保署。完成更新毒性化學物質運作場廠防救資料共計1013家,資材共計20260筆。6. 本年度全民防災教育及宣導事項,委託本校設計中心設計海報、DM及演練光碟等文宣品,海報文宣品共8種,其中「學校化學實驗室意外災害之預防、處理及急救措施介紹」宣傳海報共印刷1,000份,DM文宣品共4種,「毒化災資訊小常識-家庭篇」、「毒化災資訊小常識-工廠篇」、「毒化災資訊小常識-實驗室篇」及「毒化災資訊小常識-GHS圖示篇」共印刷12,000份,演練光碟製作500份,並製作「252種毒化物快速查詢表」共印刷1000份,總計印製14,500份,已發放6,320份。7. 完成民間物資協商廠家徵調原則及資材網建置,與10家廠商及六輕簽定援協定。完成包括國內外運輸槽車規範及國內駕駛員訓練相關法令資料收集,完成裝卸事故緊急處理程序、槽車毒性物質洩漏事故緊急處理程序、易燃性物質槽車洩漏事故緊急處理程序、槽車翻覆事故緊急處理程序及鋼瓶槽桶止漏作業訓練等之教材資料。收集整理美國加州特別訓練(CSTI)所訂定加州現場訓練設施的標準、美國加州洛杉磯市消防隊火場訓練及國內台塑石化火場訓練設施製作實廠規劃草案。針對台中港運作毒化物以ALOHA及 RMP*Comp進行廠外後果分析模擬。
EngTitle The 2004 Annual Report for the Middle Region Information Center of Emergency Response for Toxic Chemical Incident
EngAbstract This is the third year of the establishment for the Emergency Response Information Center at the National Yulin University of Science and Technology . The services include consultation and advising on prevention and mitigation; assistance and monitoring (sampling) during emergency response; and training, public education and promotion on general knowledge. The achievements of this year include the follows.1. Updated the information and contents on the Center’s web-pages (, planning and established a proto-type of e-Hazmat school ( to enhance the training and education purposes.2. Evaluated the operation of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in the service area to eliminate the possible use by the terrorist; formulated response guidelines; collected and translated 54 articles on POPs or REACH; and assisted in preparing anti-terrorist report and plan.3. Holding two each of expert meeting, mutual-aid member meeting, and governmental meeting, and assisted in 9 exercises of incident response for 8 counties.4. Completed On-duty 24 hours with 70 general advising, 17 on-site emergency service, 17 emergency site monitoring tasks, 37 sites of environmental sampling and analysis, 53 site-visits and 51consequence analysis as well as 39 emergency tests.5. Updated 52 items of Chinese and English MSDS, 24 hour monitoring 8 television news channels, collected and reported 104 incidents, collected and updated basic information for 1013 operation plants. 6. Designed 8 items of propaganda documents or posters produced 500 VCD of exercise records, and printed 1000 copies of “quick reference for 252 toxic Chemicals.”7. Set up the information network of emergency logistical chains of material and vehicles, singes the cooperation agreements, complete several emergency procedures for tank car accidents, assembled the first phase of training ground plan, and evaluated the worse and probable scenarios for tank zones of the Tai-Chung Habor.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立雲林科技大學