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Title 毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-北區毒災應變諮詢中心
Abstract 本計畫於九十三年二月十一日完成簽約程序,經環保署認可追溯至一月二十日。截至目前為止,完成毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫(Master Plan),建置二十噸毒災處理設備;建立槽車事故早期預知系統已監控車輛每天八十車次以上;蒐集毒災應變大型機具等應變資材並上網建置。建立視訊會議系統加強三中心與環保署間的聯繫管道。收集歐洲與美國等風險管理計畫與訓練機制,規劃國內最嚴重毒災事故的情境與後果分析。北區主導建立智慧型應變資料庫查詢與傳送系統,每天上網人次達100人次以上; FTIR監測與背景值的完成443筆資料以上;毒性化學物質運作場址週遭水及土壤採樣分析154個樣品。協助北區縣市辦理毒災演練部分,共完成十場次。「2004全國毒災應變案例研討會」舉辦方面共計參加人數208人。今年度1010家廠商資料建置工作。已完成四十場次臨廠輔導的輔導工作,並進行擴散模擬與後果分析。北區毒災應變諮詢中心共監控國內毒、化災事故達220件。綜合以上成果,本計畫執行進度符合計畫預期規劃,佔總執行進度的百分之百,符合計畫期末進度報告查核點。
EngTitle Plan for Northern Taiwan Center of Consultation on Response to Disasters Caused by Hazardous Chemical Materials
EngAbstract The 24-hour emergency consultation service is continuously available in the entire year. Since the beginning of the year, the emergency consultation service has been provided without interruption. To date, a total of 21 cases of emergency consultation service for hazardous chemical disasters have been handled. The objects that have received the above services included such organizations as environmental protection, fire brigade, and harbor bureau. Afterwards, this Center conducted survey, compilation of data and analysis on the cases of field response support. On Nov 19 and 20, 2004, this Center convened year 2004 National Conference on Toxic Incident Response. Number of phone call for non-emergency consultation service ranged from 4 to 5 times per week. Contents of the service included description of toxicity of toxicants, introduction to the relevant laws/regulations, description of installation of alarm system, and key points of hazardous prevention as well as emergency responsive actions. To assure safety and effectiveness in disaster prevention and rescue, by end of Nov 2004, this center has completed to update the card for hazardous chemical materials (HAZMAT) under file No. 107-164 on the list for follow-up actions, manual on prevention and rescue of disasters, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and other data on toxicity.With respect to preparation of teaching materials for technicians at the 3rd phase training in prevention of hazardous chemical materials, this center is scheduled for completion of chapter 12 on training materials in this year that shall be prepared by the scholars, the concerned manufacturers and the competent authorities of the government that shall be reviewed by the editors, which shall be completed by Nov. 16, 2004 and be submitted to EPA in the latter part of Nov. 2004.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院 陳范倫,工業技術研究院 林冠謂,工業技術研究院 曾獻弘,工業技術研究院 陳碧婷,工業技術研究院 周文怡