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Title 行政院環境保護署全球資訊網站更新建置計畫
Abstract 資訊時代的進步,為提高行政院環保署的整體工作效率及建置一套完備的整合機制和統一的查詢窗口,以提供民眾更有效率且迅速的服務,因此將整合現有的環境保護署全球資訊網站,並且將各處室子網重新規劃網站架構,訂定完善的管理維護機制,以行院院研考會的網站設計規範為指標,將網站建置成為國際性的網頁,並加強瀏覽效率與即時資訊更新率,以提供廣大民眾更方便而完整的電子化服務。
EngTitle Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan and Web Site Renew Plan
EngAbstract In coping with the advanced information era, promoting general work efficiency of EPA Executive Yuan, building up a package of sound integration mechanism and uniform enquiry window to provide more efficient and more prompt services for the public, the existing EPA global information website will be integrated; sub-networks in each division and office renewed with their website configuration; a sound management and maintenance mechanism redefined by referring to the website design specifications set forth by Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission Executive Yuan as the guidepost to present global website pages and improve browsing efficiency and updated real time information for providing even easier access and complete e-services for the general public.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 先得利資訊科技股份有限公司