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Title 飲用水水質標準中影響健康管制項目(戴奧辛、農藥、含鹵乙酸)之評估
Abstract 本計畫致力於飲用水水質標準中戴奧辛、農藥、含鹵乙酸管制項目及標準之評估;調查國內飲用水中之相關背景值,檢討納入管制之可行性。同時,對於先進國家已有使用但國內尚未公告之抗腐蝕劑與除垢劑之相關資料進行蒐集與彙整,提供給環保署做為未來訂定相關藥劑規範之參考。在戴奧辛管制標準部分,本研究參考各先進國家對戴奧辛之風險評估分析所訂定之管制標準,依據歐盟的食物科學委員會戴奧辛的TWI為14 pg WHO-TEQ/kg body weight之限制,且假設每日的戴奧辛攝入約20%來自於飲用水,可計算並建議出飲用水中戴奧辛的限制值為12 pg-TEQ/L,於民國98年公告施行。農藥法規標準方面,本研究參考美國、世界衛生組織、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、歐盟、韓國、加拿大等國家的管制標準與制訂原則;根據國外農藥管制情形、台灣使用量、相關背景分析、毒性分類等資料,將各種農藥項目做分類,並依據WHO的假設與計算方式,又各農藥的ADI反求出各農藥在飲用水水質標準中之建議管制標準值。對於應優先列管之農藥項目(培丹(Cartap)、陶斯松(Chlorpyrifos)、大滅松(Dimethoate)、嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)、五氯酚(Pentachlorophenol)、福瑞松(Phorate) 、托福松(Terbufos)),本研究分別建議其管制標準值及合理之管制期程;對於台灣已有標準,且持續有使用農藥項目(丁基拉草(Butachlor)、加保扶(Carbofuran)、2,4-地(2,4-D)、大利松(Diazinon)、安沙番(Endosulfan)、滅必蝨(Isoprocarb)、達馬松(Methamidophos) 、納乃得(Methomyl) 、巴拉刈(Paraquat)),建議應保留,並重新評估計算其標準值及提出合理之修改期程。在鹵乙酸部分,本研究依據金門及國內中、南六座淨水場鹵乙酸之例行採樣結果,以及蒐集各國之檢驗項目、管制標準、管制策略、以及背景資料,分析彙整後建議出五種鹵乙酸之管制標準為0.06 mg/L,於民國96年公告施行。在藥劑方面,本研究比較各先進國家之飲用水水質處理藥劑規範、飲用水處理藥劑中不純物限制量之計算方法,並收集其用於飲用水水質處理中抗積垢與抗腐蝕藥劑之種類與使用劑量,可作為環保署未來增定飲用水水質處理藥劑之參考。
EngTitle Evaluation of health-related regulation items (dioxin, pesticides and HAAs) in drinking water quality standards
EngAbstract For the concern of improving the drinking water quality, this project is dedicated to review and modify the pesticides in the current drinking water quality standards, and to assess the feasibilities of adding regulation items, such as dioxins and HAAs in the drinking water quality standards in Taiwan.The results of this project suggested that the maximum contamination level (MCL) of dioxins is set as 12 pg-TEQ/L, and the regulation is being effective in 2009.For the aspects of pesticides, we suggest to revise and augment the current items in the drinking water quality standards by adding seven pesticides (Cartap, Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate, Glyphosate, Pentachlorophenol, Phorate, Terbufos), and the regulation is being effective in 2008. Meanwhile, the pesticides which are currently used and regulated in Taiwan Drinking Water Quality Standards, (Butachlor, Carbofuran, 2,4-D, Diazinon, Endosulfan, Isoprocarb, Methamidophos, Methomyl, Paraquat) are reevaluated and modified, and the regulation is being effective in 2007. On the other hand, for the pesticides seldom used or being forbidden for a long time, but still listed in Taiwan Drinking Water Quality Standards, i.e. EPN, Lindane, Monocrotophos, Parathion, can be expelled from the standards.As for the HAAs, it is suggested to follow the criteria of the stage 1 D-DBP Rule of USEPA: five haloacetic acids (HAA5) should not exceed 0.06 mg/L, and the regulation is being effective in 2007.For the concern of corrosion control and anti-scale chemical agents, we collect the regulations of additives types, allowable dosages, and impurity calculations in four advanced countries. The information can be taken by the Taiwan EPA for revising and augmenting the water treatment additives for water treatment industries in the future.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學 環境工程學研究所