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Title 事業廢水許可及資料庫管理計畫
Abstract 配合水污染防治法規修正發布,及許可換發作業之推動,完成下列工作,重點如下:編印15000份許可換發宣導文件、5000份事業廢(污)水管理指引,並提供事業法規諮詢,搭配辦理法規說明會,指導業者更熟悉法令規定,已促使4700家事業申請換發。辦理250人次環保單位法規講習、書面複查50家許可審查資料,提升審查作業品質及法規認知;完成許可收費辦法之公告及其他5項相關辦法之草案研訂,針對許可申請、試車、變更及委託處理等規定進行修正。完成5項水污染源管制資料管理系統之程式開發及增修,提供許可審查進度查詢、逕流廢水管制資料建檔、考評稽核作業執行、檢測申報管理資料網路化等功能,配合5場系統操作講習,提昇地方環保人員操作正確率達95%;按月進行15600家管制資料之異常查核、更新維護及統計運算,並回饋修正,已完成1547項異常資料之修正。辦理功能評鑑,以抽查方式執行5家事業之評鑑程序、查核點建立、採樣評估及現場確認等作業,其中查獲1家非法暗管並執行斷管;另藉由協談機制督促業主具體改善,建立後續執行功能評鑑之模式。
EngTitle The Industrial Wastewater Permit Management and Data Bank Management Project
EngAbstract Due to the revisal of The Water Pollution Control Act and to fit the renewing of the water pollution permits. Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater management.First, we have finished editing, publishing and delivering 15,000 copies of the guideline for renewing of the water pollution permits to related governmental departments , and we also established a special phone line for solving related questions. In order to rise the quality of the permits investigation, we chose 50 permit cases to double check by written form. And we sponsor 10 training programs for local Environmental Protection Bureau officers.Following the new Act, we have edited, published and delivered 5,000 copies of industrial wastewater management guideline to local Environmental Protection Bureaus. The contents of this guideline include application forms of permits and the discharge monitoring reports, Effluent Standards, and the related management rules.Helping the related administration business is to organize the meeting for negotiation and public hearing, e-mail replying, phone line consulting, and to direct ten meetings by the local Environmental Protection Bureaus for factories.For developing the computer system, we have finished the degree of progress checking of the permits investigation system, renewing of the run-off wastewater control information system, correcting of the auditing wed system in 2004, renewing the DMR web system, storing and analysis of some projects statistic datum for water pollution control, and we sponsor 5 computer work training programs for local Environmental Protection Bureau officers.The last part of the project is to assess the capability of the wastewater treatment by choosing 5 factories. After that, we checked the unusual points and design the procedure of this work. By the way, we used the available analysis system to find the wrong data for correcting by local Environmental Protection Bureaus.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社