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Title 建立預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記、功能測試審查基準及資訊系統
Abstract 完成整體管理制度檢討分析及建議,分四階段完備管理制度,第一階段完成本計畫工作目標;第二階段修訂管理辦法,提升行政效率;第三階段水污染防治法增訂罰責;第四階段定期評鑑建築物污水處理設施操作維護,推動生活污水污染減量。蒐集彙整日本對淨化槽之管理,依據「預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記申請文件」並參考日本相關功能測試作業內容及相關污水處理設施設計參數並彙整經濟部標準檢驗局CNS標準等資料,建議國內功能測試作業與相關材質規範及檢驗方法,完成建立功能測試執行及審查基準。開發建築物污水處理設施技術規範中功能設計參數電腦試算表軟體程式,並辦理三場試算軟體操作使用說明會,協助審查者驗算送審資料,或申請者自行驗算,以加速審查時程。開發、建置及維護預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記管理及查驗資訊系統以及離線查驗系統,完成610件已審定登記案件之建檔工作,同步掌握審定登記型號之設施規格及查驗結果,辦理三場操作使用說明會,以利後續系統之管理。檢討申請審定登記相關表單文件及功能測試作業流程,依填寫之必要性、合理性及管制需要修正,符合管理之目的;建立預鑄式建築物污水處理設施查驗標準作業程序,明確功能測試、製造、安裝及運轉四階段之查驗內容,提升查驗效率;完成問答集及資訊公布網頁製作與維護,提供相關資訊之查詢管道。
EngTitle To establish the pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities application and registration,the basis for functional tests and inspection protocols and information management system
EngAbstract Reference materials regarding management of building sewage treatment facilities in Japan were collected and gathered for studies, such as “the application documents for pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities”, relevant Japanese facilities design criteria and CNS materials, to establish the basis for functional tests and inspection protocols.A computer trial balance software was developed according to the building sewage treatment facilities specification to enhance future application and auditing efficiency. Three promotional seminars were held to provide information regarding the software to the public.The project also developed the internet website for pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities application and registration information management and inspection system with off-line inspection system available. Some 610 approved and registered cases have been keyed-in the database system which can provide real-time data management of registered models, specifications and inspection results. Three seminar meetings were held to the public for the use of the website to facilitate future management.In accordance with the necessity and rationality, we have revised the application document for pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities, and set standards for the operation procedure for the 4 inspection stages, as the testing stage, the manufacturing stage, the installation stage and the operation stage, respectively to enhance inspection efficiency. The Project has also completed the Q&A for the webpage update and maintenance to provide for public information and consultation service.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社