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Title 亞太經濟合作-海洋模式國際合作
Abstract 「亞太經濟合作--海洋模式國際合作」計畫,主要是配合環保署於亞太經濟合作組織海洋資源保育工作小組(APEC/MRC WG)中所爭取的OMISAR計畫,此計畫在於推動亞太地區海洋資訊交流及資料交換,以達到海洋資源保育的目的。藉由實質推動APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫,使我們能在APEC各會員體間建立人脈,並且在後續的APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫維持主導地位,扮演積極保護海洋資源的角色。海洋環境保護是目前國內外應積極採取行動的議題,而從事海洋環境保護的方式可從多方管道進行,如加強對民眾的宣導、隨時掌握海洋環境狀況等。本計畫藉由各會員體的共同討論,獲得高精確度的作業化海洋環境預警系統,進而了解即時的海洋環境狀況。因此本計畫今年分別於中國與中華台北召開與海洋環境相關的學術研討會(WOM-12與WOM-14),會中分別以波浪模式與海洋模式為主題,為作業化海洋環境模式提供了學理上、經驗上的資訊交流。
EngTitle APEC-Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models
EngAbstract The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) betakes itself on the promotion of sustainable development of ocean resources. The goal of the project “Ocean Model and Information System for the APEC Region (OMISAR)” of APEC/MRC WG lays on the encouragement of the exchange of marine data between the members of APEC. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Chinese, Taipei had strived and currently is in charge of the project. The present project “APEC--Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models” assists EPA dealing with the affairs within the OMISAR project. By active participating in the OMISAR, it is possible for us to establish the relationship with other member economics. Moreover, hence we can keep our leadership in APEC/MRC/OMISAR and hold the dominative position. The Ocean Environmental Protection is an issue, which are of priority importance to every economics. Diverse approaches could be implemented to achieve the goal, i.e. strengthen the advertising of the issue to the public, monitoring the ocean environmental factors and such like. By the open discussion and collaboration among the economics, a high accuracy operational warning system for ocean environment has been yielded. This year, we have two workshops correlated with ocean environment and they were hold in China and Chinese Taipei respectively (WOM-12 and WOM-14). In the workshop, the subjects of wave model and ocean model were discussed respectively by each economic, and provide the exchange of theories and experience for the operation model of ocean environment.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 成功大學近海水文中心 高家俊教授