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Title 高干擾水體之重金屬檢測技術改良計畫
Abstract 本研究依據環檢所「高干擾水體之重金屬檢測技術改良計畫」委託計畫工作內容,分別建立GFAAS直測技術與線上雙Chelex 100管柱濃縮匹配ICP-MS儀器測定技術,以期能達成高干擾水體中重金屬濃度準確分析測定的目標。研究中曾針對CASS-4、SLEW-3和BCR CRM 609等標準環境水樣進行分析測定,經由實際分析結果與確認值比對的相一致性,可據以提供本計畫所建立分析方法具備相當可靠性的有利佐證。對於線上雙Chelex 100管柱濃縮匹配ICP-MS儀器測定技術而言,相關銅、鉛、鎘、錳和鋅等元素的偵測極限,分別為0.09 ppb、0.12 ppb、0.012 ppb、0.21 ppb和0.09 ppb;至於GFAAS直測技術,則相關銅、鉛、鎘、錳、鉻和鋅等元素的偵測極限,分別為0.21 ppb、0.12 ppb、0.015 ppb、0.39 ppb、0.093 ppb和0.051 ppb。另於計畫執行期間已陸續完成的工作項目,包括有(1)完成腐質酸可能干擾效應及去除條件的探討,另並建立一套腐質酸去除效率的評估方法。(2)完成GFAAS直測條件的探討,並針對高鹽度水樣及標準參考樣品進行分析測定。(3)建立線上雙Chelex 100管柱濃縮匹配ICP-MS儀器測定技術,並應用以進行高鹽度水樣及標準參考樣品的分析測定。(4)完成2000年至2004年期刊文獻中,相關Cr(VI)分析方法的收集(共收錄三十七篇論文)。(5)完成實驗室現場技術輔導工作項目。綜合上述已執行和完成的工作項目,可得知本計畫所執行完成的工作項目,完全符合環檢所委託計畫所規劃工作內容。
EngTitle The Improvement of Analytical Techniques for Trace Metals Determination in High Salt Contents Waters
EngAbstract According to the purpose of the project entitled “The Improvement of Analytical Techniques for Trace Metals Determination in High Salt Contents Waters”, two analytical techniques, including direct GFAAS measurement and the coupling of on-line dual chelex 100 columns preconcentration with ICPMS detection, have been established in this work to allow the accurate determination of Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Cd and total Cr. The validity of the two proposed methods had been checked with three certified reference waters (CASS-4, SLEW-3 and BCR CRM 609) and the results were found to be in good agreement with the certified values. The detection limits of dual chelec 100 columns preconcentration with ICPMS based on a sample volume of 10 ml for Cu, Pb, Cd, Mn and Zn were 0.09 ppb, 0.12 ppb, 0.012 ppb, 0.21 ppb and 0.09 ppb, respectively. Moreover, the detection limits of GFAAS for Cu, Pb, Cd, Mn, Cr and Zn were 0.21 ppb, 0.12 ppb, 0.015 ppb, 0.39 ppb, 0.093 ppb and 0.051 ppb, respectively. Several main items of this project were achieved, which involved the evaluation of humic acid removal through means of microwave digestion method and XAD-2 column method, direct determination of trace metals in waters by GFAAS, on-line dual chelex 100 column preconcentration of trace metals from waters followed by determination by ICPMS, up to 37 papers related to Cr (VI) species was collected in the period of 2000-2004 during the literature search, and on-site analytical practice has been conducted in three laboratories. As discussed above, it is showed that the contents and requirements of the project have been completely accomplished.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 環檢所