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Title 車用汽柴油油品查驗及空氣污染防制費查核
Abstract 本計畫完成1至10月車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費之受理申報、審查及催補件作業,中油因申報的錯誤須補繳4,924,048元,台塑因申報等級的錯誤須退繳20,000元。8月抽驗中油高雄廠柴油,結果含硫量為533ppmw,高於輸出標準,經查核確認是樣品標籤的錯誤造成,此事件促使高雄廠加強採樣與樣品保存管理的制度。因此本計畫的執行可確保汽柴油空污費的徵收,亦因為監督抽驗讓業者加強內部的品質與作業管理。全國累計銷售的汽油數量為846萬公秉及柴油數量為340萬公秉,一、二、三級汽油比例分別為38%、54%、8%,繳納汽油空污費為6.52億元及柴油空污費為5.53億元。抽驗完成302個汽油及206個柴油的油槽與加油站樣品的採樣與分析,比較油槽與加油站以及直營與加盟加油站樣品的成分檢驗結果差異不明顯。本實驗室已取得環保署環境檢驗所認證許可,認證項目包含「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」中汽柴油成分的檢測,目前是國內執行汽柴油油品相關法規最完備的NIEA認證實驗室。協助環檢所修訂油相關檢驗方法,並提出建議的仲裁方法及法規實驗室所須具備的資格。參加國際比測顯示人員檢驗技術的能力具有國際水準。蒐集並分析相關資料提供環保署參考,協助環保署修定「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」及「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」;完成辦理「汽柴油改善技術研討會及採樣查核訓練」,對於參與研討會之人員,已達到充分之交流,有助後續油品管制政策之持續推動。
EngTitle Monitoring the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Quality and Auditing the Air Pollution Fee
EngAbstract The auditing of air pollution fee collected from gasoline/diesel during Jan. to Oct. 2004 were completed and the results were quite satisfied. The total quantity of gasoline and diesel are 8.4 millions and 3.4 millions kiloliter, respectively. The shares of primary, secondary and third grade gasoline are 38%, 54% and 8%. The air pollution fee attributed to gasoline and diesel are 652 and 553 million NT$. CPC need to pay 4.9 millionNT$ for amendment and EPA need to return 20 thousand NT$ to FPC. 300 gasoline and 208 diesel random samples, taken from fuel storages and gas stations, were analyzed. The comparison of quality of fuels between fuel storages and gas stations were no difference.Our laboratory has been certified by NIEA which is the only laboratory can effectively analyze the petroleum samples regarding EPA law. This project revised “Measures of collection of air pollution fee” and “Control Standard of characteristic and performance on gasoline/diesel for vehicle use”. Two workshops “Gasoline and diesel quality improvement and sampling training course” have been hold by this project. Many people join these workshops include industrial, expertise, professor etc. It’s help to discuss many subjects about gasoline and diesel and to give chance to improve the ability of Implementing of Agency.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院化學工業研究所