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Title 台灣地區臭氧與懸浮微粒預報模式建立及生成與傳輸機制分析
Abstract 本計畫主要的研究目標在於增進對台灣地區臭氧及懸浮微粒生成與分佈機制的瞭解,最終的目的則是為環保署發展臭氧及懸浮微粒控制策略提供關鍵的資訊。本計畫的主要成果包括:(1)確認2002-2004年間台灣地區受亞洲大陸沙塵傳輸影響的時間及區域。(2)獲知東北季風盛行期間空氣污染物長程傳輸的機制及特徵,有助於環保署判別及評估遠方污染源影響對本地空氣品質的影響。(3)確認影響高屏地區臭氧生成率的關鍵前驅物種,以及各物種對臭氧生成率之貢獻度。(4)成功發展一空氣品質模式,可正確預測高屏地區臭氧濃度之變化趨勢。此一模式將可提供環保署做為預測空氣品質及研擬臭氧防治策略的工具。(5)建立兩座氣膠光學厚度觀測站(位於台北市及台南市),提昇研究空氣污染物對台灣地區大氣輻射影響的能力。
EngTitle Formation and Transport of Ozone and Particulate Matters in Taiwan
EngAbstract The objective of this project to investigate the controlling processes of the formations and distributions of ozone and particulate matters and to develop a forecast model in Taiwan. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide the Taiwan-EPA critical information for the development of control strategies of ozone and particulate matter.The major achievement of this project includes: (1) Identification of the periods and impacted areas of Asian dust transport events in Taiwan during 2002-2004 (2) Improvement in our understanding on the transport mechanisms and characteristics of long-range transported air pollutants during the periods of prevailing northeasterlies of winter monsoons. This will be helpful to the EPA in identification and assessment of the air quality impacts due to the distant sources. (3) Identification of the critical chemical species in the formation mechanisms of ozone in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area, and estimating the contributions of the respective species in the ozone production rate. (4) Successful development of an air quality model that can correctly forecast the variations in the ozone levels over the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area. This model can be used to make air quality forecast and to develop ozone control strategies. (5) Setting up two aerosol optical depth (AOD) stations (located in Taipei and Tainan, respectively), and enhancing our capability to study the effects of air pollutants on the atmospheric radiation budget over Taiwan.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 劉紹臣等