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Title 空氣品質移動式監測之功能測試、規劃及數據驗證
Abstract 移動式監測具備增進空氣品質監測時間空間之解析性與機動性,進而可供瞭解空品區污染可能之熱點特性、並探討污染物在大氣中之宿命。本研究執行期間兩個年度,計畫之主要目的為測試候選移動式監測儀器之功能特性,規劃移動式空氣品質監測車之設備、功能、規格,協助移動式空氣品質監測車進行實車功能測試,並提供監測資料驗證事項之技術協助。本計畫辦理移動式空氣品質監測車之設備規格了解規劃,蒐集傳統空氣品質物監測儀器之性能規格,計有氮氧化物分析儀、二氧化硫分析儀、臭氧分析儀、一氧化碳分析儀、HC分析儀、PM10分析儀等,整理其廠牌及監測範圍、線性範圍、最低偵測極限、精密度、零點飄移、間距飄移等規格;並初擬監測車設備內容,包括監測儀器設備、校正系統設備、資料擷取系統設備、其它週邊設備、監測車體設備、功能查核設備等。在空氣品質監測站網監測數據、報表驗證及資料分析方面,配合環保署空氣品質監測站網資料中心端軟體開發,辦理空氣品質監測站網監測數據、報表驗證及資料分析,已針對整個資料庫系統由原始資料提供的格式,資料有效性認定及相關統計分析之方法,進行全面性完整的規定。針對即時式 (real-time) 懸浮微粒監測儀器進行實驗室功能測試,利用低壓衝擊式微粒分徑儀來作測試,發現不論在微米或次微米粒徑範圍內之測值對大氣微粒或本計畫測試之液態、固態微粒與微粒電移動度掃瞄分徑器及氣動微粒分徑器均有良好之對應關係,顯示在靜態下其測定結果良好,且振動測試亦顯示振動環境均不會對微粒分徑濃度測值造成影響。當微粒濃度變化時,低壓衝擊式微粒分徑電子分析儀測值在第二秒至第三秒即開始產生變化,而其測值穩定所須時間則約需一分鐘時間。ELPI具有解析短時距微粒分徑濃度變化之優點,且與Beta-Gauge大氣監測比對所得二者所測得發生懸浮微粒濃度尖峰值之時間大致相符,但ELPI之小時平均測值與Beta-Gauge測值比較結果顯示兩者線性相關程度不佳,各種大氣懸浮微粒濃度下ELPI測值與Beta-Gauge測值比較結果, ELPI測值多產生正偏差。
EngTitle Mobile air quality laboratory planning, performance verification and monitoring data verification
EngAbstract Mobile laboratory can enhence the analytical quality and mobility of temporal and special resolution in air quality monitoring. Furthermore, it can provide the understanding where the phot spots are in the air basin and the fates of pollutants in the atmosphere. The goals of this project are to test the performance of candidate instruments to be used in a mobile laboratory, to suggest the equipments speculation for EPA’s monitoring vans, and to assist air quality data verification.In this project, information about speculations of commercial monitoring vans is obtained and compared. Speculations of different brands’ equipments for regulatory ambient air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, surfur dioxide, ozone, carbon mono-oxide, hydrocarbon, and particulate matters, are obtained, including standard ranges, lowest detection limit, response time, zero drift, span drift, etc. The equipments, monitoring instruments, calibration system, data retrieving system, vehicle size and structure, instrument auditing system, and accessories, of monitoring van are also proposed. Air quality monitoring data/table verified and information analysis are conducted collaboration with EPA air quality monitoring network information center software developing. The format of raw data, related tables and report, and the procedures of validation and ststistical analysis are discussed and determined.A real-time particulate measuring instrument, Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI), is used as a candidate to serve in mobile laboratory. The performance of ELPI has been tested in controlled laboratory and ambient atmosphere. In the laboratory tests, the results show ELPI is capable to measure different size range of particles and has good comparison to other instruments. A shaker is applied to understand the effect of vibration to ELPI, and the output shows insignificant impacts. In ambient condition, ELPI shows good sensitivity to concentration evolution and has certain correlation with beta-ray particle measurement instruments.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心