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Title 優先行業指紋資料建置計畫(光電材料及元件業、半導體業)
Abstract 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋建檔綱要計畫」規劃內容,環保署擬以三年期間(93年至95年),逐步建立國內主要事業別有害事業廢棄物指紋成分資料檔,並發展為環境污染物指紋檢索系統,以便日後能協助環保署及全國各縣市環保單位稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物的來源。光電材料及元件製造業、半導體製造業均被列為環保署本年度(93)優先執行指紋資料建檔的行業。本計畫的工作內容主要分兩部份:廢棄物特性與化學組成之指紋建置及辦理調查實務之人員訓練課程。在行業廢棄物特性與化學組成指紋建置方面,本計畫以環保署廢管處管制中心(Industrial Waste Control Center)清理計畫書為主,收集彙整國內電子管製造業廠家之原物料、製程、污染防制設施、廢棄物產生種類和數量等資料,篩選具代表性製程廠家光電材料及元件製造業31家及半導體製造業35家,共採集超過160件樣品,選擇其中134件樣品,依上位計畫的規劃流程完成檢測工作,將檢測結果鍵入環境指紋資料庫,並完成光電材料及元件製造業及半導體製造業產製程之廢棄物指紋採證,特性及化學組成指紋評析報告。在人員訓練方面,於12/10針對環保機關負責相關業務人員完成一場次「環境污染物指紋資料庫之建置與使用」之訓練課程。
EngTitle The Fingerprints Database project of priority industry(opto-electronics material and components industry, semi-conductor manufacturing industry)
EngAbstract The EPA Taiwan has planed from 2004 to 2006 to stepwise build up the fingerprints database of the Taiwan major industrial sectors. This fingerprints database will be developed to be the environmental pollutants fingerprints searching system to assist EPA Taiwan and the local city or county environmental protection units to track the origin of illegal dumping of industrial waste.The Fingerprints for the wastes of opto-electronics material and components industry, semi-conductor manufacturing industry will be built up in 2004.The major works of this project consists of two parts: The fingerprints build-up of the waste characteristics and chemical compositions of opto-electronics material and components industry & semi-conductor manufacturing industry. And the trainingof the relevant personnel. With regard to the fingerprints build-up of the waste characteristics and chemical compositions, this project relies mainly on the waste clean up proposal made by the Industrial Waste Control Center, EPA Taiwan and aims to collect and organize the relevant data. This relevant data includes the categories and amount of raw materials, processes, pollutant prevention facilities and waste generated of the opto-electronics industry & semi-conductor industry in Taiwan. This project then screens 31 representative manufacturing process plants of opto-electronic industry and 35 of semi-conductor industry. In total, there are more than 160 samples are collected and from this total samples 134 samples are selected for the completion of the testing works in accordance with the planned process of the precedent project. This testing results are then keyed into the environmental fingerprints database.As to the second part, a training session(with the title of “The Estabilishment of Environmental Polluents Fingerprints Database System and Usage of the System”)are given to the relevant personnel of the EPA and the environemntal protection divisions/ bureaus of the county and city goverments.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 環檢所