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Title 環境影響評估推估模式與環境基準之建立
Abstract 本計畫建立水質總量管制之流程與評估方法,以提供環境影響評估審查水質衝擊時之參考依據。研究中透過水質模式與優化模式,在考量環境承載力與累積性衝擊的影響下,推估各個土地利用之單位面積負荷,以作為環評審查依據。研究中蒐集國內外常用之水質模式,並探討其模式之應用於環評適用性。並以HSPF、QUAL2E與GWLF模式,分別應用於頭前溪、鹽水溪與高屏溪評估其水質狀況,用以說明累積性衝擊與總量管制評估方法。最後並依據分析案例,建立河川水體水質模式技術規範,規範中說明模式所需資料與分析流程做,技術規範除了主要規範本文,附件中尚包含模式特性說明、模式所需資料與處理方式、模式結果後處理以及水質模擬查驗清單等,規範中並詳列模式中所需各項參數與使用範圍,未來可提供環評開發者做為參考依據。本計畫係延續九十二年度「累積性環境影響評估審查基準與地理資訊系統之整合研究(二)」計畫建置成果,地理資訊查詢系統除了將92年以後的環評案件持續納入資料庫中,並新增部分功能,包含線上下載QUAL2E模式的輸入檔及輸出檔的功能,並提供QUAL2E線上模擬之功能,目前完成已三個研究區域的資料庫,提供開發單位可以統一由系統獲得資料以模擬。系統並提供HSPF模式,模擬所需之資料檔下載,並提供HSPF水質模式建置時,資料轉換處理之輔助工具。本研究企圖提供環評分析中處理輸入資料、參數檢定、模擬、結果分析、及建立管理基準之標準流程。
EngTitle Establishment of Environmental Impact Assessment Models and Environmental Standard
EngAbstract The purpose of this study is to establish the procedure and evaluation methods for total mass control in water quality, which can be applied to environmental impact assessment. This study uses water quality simulation and optimization models to develop unit area pollutant load for different land uses with considering environmental carrying capacity and cumulative impacts. Different water quality models are reviewed. The HSPF, QUAL2E, GWLF models are further applied to three watersheds, Touchien river, Yenahui river and Kaoping river, as examples to state how to develop total mass control strategies. According to the case studies, a guideline to apply water quality models is established. The guideline describes required data and analysis procedure. Besides, characteristics of water quality models, analysis of simulation results, checklists of simulation, and detail descriptions of range of values of parameters are also included in appendixes. This study also extends last year’s results. The EIA reports of 2003 are added to the GIS database. The function of GIS database is enhanced, which provides functions to download input data files for QUAL2E and HSPF models and to run QUAL2E online. This study has complete input files for three study watersheds, more for other watersheds need future studies. The database also provides some tools to translate row data to input data for water quality models. This study tends to define standard procedure to prepare input data, calibrate parameters, run simulation models, and analysis of results to develop management standards for environmental impact assessment.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系