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Title 九十三年擴大參與世界水質監測日活動計畫
Abstract 為鼓勵民眾關心環境水質,進而保護水體環境,環保署今年持續並擴大舉辦水質監測活動,將計畫執行分二階段辦理,第一階段主要在培訓領隊教師〈於暑期進行培訓〉;第二階段則由領隊教師帶領隊員與全球同步於世界水質監測日檢測水質。執行方法包括了成立輔導團隊、編制教材與研習場次擬訂、媒體宣傳及報名規劃、建立流域伙伴關係、架設水資源監測網站等以順利推動此次活動。總計共舉辦了十場領隊教師研習營,分別在台北、新竹、臺中、嘉義、台南、屏東、台東、花蓮、高雄等地,並且在活動過程中完成研習營教材乙本、水質監測教學光碟乙份、墊板乙份。另外也在綠色伙伴學校網站下架設了水質監測網站,供領隊教師提報監測數據與參考資料,網站內容包括觀念區、教材區、測站資料提出、網網相連、討論區及九十二年成果展等七部分。活動共有644組報名參加,570組完成培訓。隊伍除了國小、國中、高中職及大專院校老師外,並吸引許多國內民間團體的參加,有助於推廣河川水質監測及提升台灣河川保護意識。第二階段的水質監測活動從九月十八日開始為期一個月,於十月十八日結束,共吸引全國近二千五百民眾參與,使用的器材為美國清潔水基金會提供之監測試劑。由回報的資料顯示,監測隊伍普遍分佈在河川中下游,河堤大多為人工整治的河岸,有七成左右的隊伍不想觸摸水體,河川流經的區域住宅區型態也以緊密為主,監測地點附近的土地利用型態以田園為主。在此次監測的溶氧、酸鹼值、濁度及溫度等四項數值上,溶氧量以4ppm、酸鹼值在pH7~8、濁度為40JTU、溫度分佈在24~30℃為主,與去(九十二年)年相較,並無太大差異。最後,在研習營的問卷調查部分,九成以上的領隊教師對課程安排、編制教材、行政人員工作態度等持好以上之意見,亦希望以後能有此類行的進階訓練活動。另外提出水環境志工培訓計畫之建議,希望將水質監測活動帶入社區居民的生活中,共同力行監測河川,保護水質的工作。
EngTitle Project of Extended participation in World Water Monitorning Day Active 2004
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration maintained a high level of enthusiasm from previous participants this year, building on last year’s experience in sponsoring the 2003 World Water Monitoring Day activity, to encourage people to concern about river issues and interest in working together to better understand their rivers.A total of ten training camps were held in Taipei city, Hsinchu city, Taichung City, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Taitung County, Pingtung County Hualien County, Kaohsiung City. During these training camps, we offered a handbook and water monintoring teaching cdrom and a biological index of water quality brocher to each leader. We also build a water monitoring website where leaders can upload their water monitoring data. There are 644 teams, more than 2,500 people, joined this meaningful activity and conducted water monitoring during the period from September 18th to October 18th. This year we adopted biological indicators of fish and invertebrates in addition to the four physical-chemical indicators (DO, pH, water temperature, and turbidity). According to the data report, most teams choosen the down stream as their monitoring site, and these sites surrounding land use were high-density residential areas, factories, and agricultural land. The result of DO is 4 ppm, pH is 7~8, turbidity is 40 JTU and water temperature is 24~30℃.Through this activity questionaires, there are 90% of training leaders satisfy with training camp, more students and residents gained a deeper understanding of water quality and the skills required in water monitoring .At last, we suggest that The EPA and local environmental protection bureaus should organize voluntary river protection teams to monitor rivers regularly and stop illegal behavior.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國環境教育學會