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Title 沙塵監測及影響評估之科學管理
Abstract 本計畫主要在管理整合環保署東亞沙塵暴密集觀測研究計畫的科學成果,並製作相關網頁提供參考,以及整合建議適當之因應對策。過程中各召開對內三次與對外二次研討會議與檢討會議。相關資料彙整於實驗計畫網頁( Welcome.html)。 2003年12月~2004年5月,共出現11次東亞沙塵抵台情形,其中沙塵影響達1級者,僅七次,而出現在春季者僅有二次。今年的特色就是冬季沙塵事件多,這在過去是非常少見的。其影響所及,就是環保署應自每年12月就開始注意東亞沙塵影響臺灣空氣品質的預報工作。 今年的沙塵密集觀測共進行過三次;第一波監測期的沙塵影響時間為2/5 10am ~2/7 10am (雙高峰),爾後8、9日下雨,高壓迴流造成的明顯本地污染高峰是在2/11 9pm前後。第二波的沙塵影響時間為2/14 2pm ~2/16 8am(單高峰),爾後高壓迴流造成的明顯本地污染高峰是在2/19 2am前後。第三波的沙塵影響時間為4/2 2am ~ 4/3 1pm(首峰),次峰出現在4/4 6pm,但已減弱,爾後高壓迴流造成的明顯本地污染高峰是在4/7 2am前後。 今年內共召開五次會議,分別為沙塵暴密集觀測協調會(2/13 3pm)、第一次檢討會(4/17 10am)、2004年第一次沙塵研討會(6/16)、科顧室審查意見討論會(8/4)、亞洲沙塵暴研討會(10/15)等。除進行相關成果與意見交流,尚與中國、日本與韓國學者交流。 有關東亞生質燃燒影響研究,顯示除金門、馬祖與馬公易受中國PM10污染影響外,臺灣各測站似不易分離出東亞生質燃燒影響訊息。或可藉助模擬分析,但可信度低。研究中,另進行臺灣地區露天燃燒事件分析,發現:各地每個月份均會發生燃燒事件,民國87~91年間露天燃燒事件平均每年發生7,414.4次,每天發生20.3次,以民國89年的總露天燃燒次數最多;其中,89年北部空品區之露天燃燒事件的發生總次數,共3,022件,為7個空品區中最多。89年下半年至91年間,中部空品區則取代了北部空品區,成為全台露天燃燒次數最多的空品區。生質燃燒似非主要原因,垃圾燃燒不容忽視,但缺乏細節資料,無法有明確的結論。 本報告提出明確之沙塵影響分區分級制度,整頓各子計畫成果,並建議持續進行生物、懸浮微粒、雨水等採樣分析,以及衛星遙測、光達遙測、數值模擬等工作。
EngTitle Scientific Management of dust storm monitoring and assessment
EngAbstract This project is to organize the scientific findings of the monitoring group projects, to set up a project web site and to propose adaptation strategies. Details can be found in weather/ Welcome.html. During December, 2003 ~ May, 2004, a total of 11 dust storms affect air quality in Taiwan. Among them, only seven events reach a dust influencing rank of one. Only two events occur in spring. The most noteworthy situation is a lot of dust influencing events appears in winter, which is quite unusual. Due to such experience, it is better that EPA starts watching Asian dust storms from the beginning of December. A total of three intensive dust observing experiments were executed in this year. The first one is during 2/5 10am ~2/7 10am with two peaks but low levels. The second one is during 2/14 2pm ~2/16 8am, a local pollution event occurs around 2/19 2am. The third one is during 4/2 2am ~ 4/3 1pm, a local pollution event occurs around 4/7 2am. A total of five meetings are organized in this year. Three are internal discussion meetings. Two are workshops open to general public. On Oct. 15, we have invited scientists from China, Japan and Korea to exchange scientific findings with local scientists. This project has checked into the influence of Southeast Asia biomass burning on local air quality. It appears that air pollutants from mainland China affects Kingmeng, Marzo and Markuon very frequently, but not so easy to detect similar signatures in data collected at Taiwan stations. This project also analyzes the local open-field burning events. It appears that such events occur every day and are not caused just by biomass burning. Garbage burning seems to occupy the major portion. However, the information collected by local EPB are not sufficient enough to reveal more details. This report has proposed a detailed dust ranking methodology and an eight-region PSI ranking system. Also, this project has integrated findings from other projects and proposes to continue support all mo
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心 柳中明