
英文名稱 中文名稱
58101227 HE bronze HE青銅
58101228 head oil 腦油
58101229 head to head structure 頭接頭結構
58101230 head to tail structure 頭接尾結構
58101231 headspace 頂部空間
58101232 health physics 保健物理
58101233 heart hormone 心激素
58101234 heartwood 心材
58101235 heat absorbent 熱吸收劑
58101236 heat absorption 熱吸收
58101237 heat absorption capacity 吸熱容量
58101238 heat ageing; thermal ageing 熱老化
58101239 heat balance; thermal balance 熱均衡
58101240 heat capacity; thermal capacity 熱容量
58101241 heat carrier 熱載體
58101242 heat conductivity 導熱性;熱傳導係數
58101243 heat conductor 熱導體
58101244 heat consumption 耗熱量
58101245 heat content
58101246 heat convection; thermal convection 熱對流
58101247 heat conversion factor 熱換算因數
58101248 heat convertible resin 熱固[性]樹脂
58101249 heat cure {hot cure} 熱交聯;熱硫化
58101250 heat diffusivity 熱擴散性
58101251 heat duty 熱負載
58101252 heat effect; thermal effect 熱效應
58101253 heat efficiency; hot efficiency; thermal efficiency 熱效率
58101254 heat eliminating medium 除熱介質
58101255 heat endurance 耐熱性
58101256 heat energy; thermal energy 熱能
58101257 heat exchanger 熱交換劑
58101258 heat expansion; thermal expansion 熱膨脹
58101259 heat flow 熱流動
58101260 heat flush 熱沖洗
58101261 heat flux 熱通量
58101262 heat insulating material 隔熱材料;保溫材料
58101263 heat insulation 隔熱
58101264 heat interchanger 熱交換器
58101265 heat loss 熱損失
58101266 heat of absorption 吸收熱
58101267 heat of activation 活化熱
58101268 heat of adhesion 附著熱
58101269 heat of association 結合熱
58101270 heat of bond formation 鍵生成熱
58101271 heat of coagulation 凝聚熱;凝固熱
58101272 heat of combination 化合熱
58101273 heat of compression 壓縮熱
58101274 heat of condensation 凝結熱
58101275 heat of conversion 轉化熱
58101276 heat of cracking 裂解熱
總共 25628 筆,顯示第 12601 到第 12650 筆