
英文名稱 中文名稱
58101277 heat of crystallization 結晶熱
58101278 heat of detonation 起爆熱
58101279 heat of dilution 稀釋熱
58101280 heat of dissociation 解離熱
58101281 heat of evaporation 蒸發熱
58101282 heat of explosion 爆炸熱
58101283 heat of formation 生成熱
58101284 heat of freezing 凝固熱
58101285 heat of friction 摩擦熱
58101286 heat of fusion 熔化熱;熔合熱
58101287 heat of hydration 水合熱
58101288 heat of ionization; ionization heat 游離熱
58101289 heat of isomerization 異構熱
58101290 heat of linkage 鍵聯熱
58101291 heat of liquefaction 液化熱
58101292 heat of mixing 混合熱
58101293 heat of neutralization 中和熱
58101294 heat of oxidation 氧化熱
58101295 heat of polymerization 聚合熱
58101296 heat of radiation; radiant heat; radiation heat 輻射熱
58101297 heat of reaction 反應熱
58101298 heat of reduction 還原熱
58101299 heat of solidification; solidification heat 固化熱
58101300 heat of solution 溶解熱
58101301 heat of solvation 溶劑合熱
58101302 heat of sublimation 昇華熱
58101303 heat of swelling 潤脹熱
58101304 heat of transition 遷移熱
58101305 heat of vaporization 汽化熱;蒸氣化熱
58101306 heat of wetting; wetting heat 潤濕熱
58101307 heat penetration 熱穿透
58101308 heat polymerization 熱聚合
58101309 heat pump 熱泵
58101310 heat quantity 熱量
58101311 heat radiation; thermal radiation 熱輻射
58101312 heat regenerator 蓄熱器
58101313 heat release 熱釋放
58101314 heat requirement 熱需要量
58101315 heat resistance 耐熱性;抗熱性
58101316 heat resistant resin 抗熱樹脂
58101317 heat resisting coating 抗熱塗料
58101318 heat sensitive paint 熱敏感油漆
58101319 heat sensitizing agent 感熱劑
58101320 heat setting 熱固
58101321 heat sink 散熱裝置
58101322 heat stability test 熱安定性試驗
58101323 heat test 耐熱試驗
58101324 heat transfer medium 傳熱介質
58101325 heat transfer salt 熱傳鹽
58101326 heat transfer {heat transmission} 熱傳遞;傳熱
總共 25628 筆,顯示第 12651 到第 12700 筆