
英文名稱 中文名稱
56974774 room schedule 教室課表
56974775 rote learning 機械學習
56974776 rote memory 機械記憶
56974777 rote teaching 機械教學
56974778 rough reading; skimming reading 略讀
56974779 rule of direct action 直接動作律
56974780 rule of distribution of practice 練習分配律
56974781 rule of repetition 反覆律
56974782 rural education 農村教育
56974783 rural school 農村學校;鄉村學校
56974784 sabbatical leave 休假研究
56974785 sabbatical leave 教授休假
56974786 safety education 安全教育
56974787 safety rules 安全守則
56974788 salary schedule; salary scale 工資制;薪級表
56974789 sample method; sampling method 取樣法
56974790 sanatorium school 療養學校
56974791 sandwich course 三明治課程
56974792 sanguine temperament 多血質
56974793 Santa Barbara Plan 聖巴巴拉制
56974794 scale book 量表簿
56974795 scale of positions 職務等級表
56974796 scale score 量尺分數
56974797 scholar 學者;學生{英}
56974798 scholarship 獎學金
56974799 scholarship and grants 獎助學金
56974800 Scholastic 經院學者;士林哲學家
56974801 scholastic aptitude 學術性向
56974802 scholastic honor 學術榮譽
56974803 Scholasticism 經院主義;士林哲學
56974804 school 學校;學派
56974805 school administration 學校行政
56974806 school administrator 學校行政人員
56974807 school age 學齡
56974808 school attendance 就學
56974809 school attendance committee 督促就學委員會
56974810 school attendance officer 督促就學員
56974811 school board 學校董事會
56974812 school bond 學校公債
56974813 school book; text-book; textbook 教科書
56974814 school budget 學校預算
56974815 school building; school plant 學校建築
56974816 school bulletin 學校公告欄
56974817 school calendar 校曆
56974818 school census 學校普查
56974819 school ceremony 學校儀式;學校典禮
56974820 school certificate 學校證書;學校證照
56974821 school chart 學校圖表
56974822 school clinics 學校診療所;學校門診部
56974823 school community 學校社區
總共 2198 筆,顯示第 1701 到第 1750 筆