
英文名稱 中文名稱
56974674 quarter 學季
56974675 quarter system 學季制
56974676 quartile deviation 四分位差
56974677 question and answer method 問答法
56974678 questionnaire 問卷;問題徵答
56974679 questionnaire method 問卷法
56974680 quit of schooling 失學離校
56974681 quiz 測驗;隨堂小考
56974682 race difference 種族差異
56974683 raised type for the blind 盲人用凸體文字
56974684 random group 隨機組
56974685 random movement 隨機運動
56974686 random sampling 隨機取樣
56974687 range 全距
56974688 rank correlation 等級相關
56974689 rating 評定等第
56974690 rating method 分等法
56974691 rating scale 分等量表
56974692 rational education 理性教育
56974693 rationalism 理性論;理性主義
56974694 rationalization 合理化[作用]
56974695 re-dropout rate 再輟率
56974696 re-education 再教育
56974697 re-evaluation 複評
56974698 reaction hypothesis 反應假說
56974699 reaction method 反應法
56974700 reaction time 反應時間
56974701 reaction [= response] 反應
56974702 reading circle 讀書會
56974703 reading list 閱讀書單
56974704 reading method 閱讀法
56974705 reading room 閱覽室
56974706 reading school 誦讀學校;閱讀學校{中世紀以來的基礎識字教育}
56974707 real school 實科學校{德}
56974708 realism 唯實論;實在論
56974709 realistic education 唯實主義教育
56974710 reason 理性;理由
56974711 recall method 回憶法
56974712 recall type examination 回憶式考試
56974713 recall; recollection 回憶
56974714 recapitulation 重述要旨;簡述大意
56974715 recess 休會;休息
56974716 recital 背誦;獨奏
56974717 recitation 背誦;復述
56974718 recognition 採認
56974719 recognition test 再認測驗
56974720 recreation period 娛樂時間
56974721 recreation reading 消遣閱讀
56974722 recruitment 聘任
56974723 rector 校長;院長
總共 2198 筆,顯示第 1601 到第 1650 筆