
英文名稱 中文名稱
56973324 certificated teacher 合格證照教師
56973325 certification 檢定
56973326 certification 資格檢定
56973327 certification 檢定
56973328 certification of teachers 教員檢定
56973329 certify teacher 合格師資
56973330 chair professor 講座
56973331 chance error; probable error 機誤
56973332 chancellor; president 校長{大學}
56973333 character 性格;品格
56973334 character building; formation of character 品格培養
56973335 character diagnosis 品格診斷;品性診斷
56973336 character education 品格教育
56973337 character rating 品格評比
56973338 character test 品格測驗
56973339 charity school 慈善學校
56973340 child guidance 兒童指導
56973341 child hygiene 兒童衛生
56973342 Child psychology 兒童心理學
56973343 child study 兒童研究
56973344 child welfare 兒童福利
56973345 child-centered education 兒童中心教育
56973346 Child-guidance clinic 兒童指導所
56973347 child-hood 兒童期
56973348 children's court 兒童法庭
56973349 children's drawing 兒童畫
56973350 children's home 兒童之家
56973351 children's language 童語
56973352 children's library 兒童圖書館
56973353 children's literature 兒童文學
56973354 children's museum 兒童博物院
56973355 children's play 兒童遊戲;兒童戲劇
56973356 children's story 兒童故事
56973357 children's theater 兒童劇場
56973358 children's vocabulary 兒童字彙
56973359 Chinese Braille method 中文點字法
56973360 Chinese Culture Scholarship 中華文化獎學金
56973361 Chinese language study 國語文研習
56973362 Chinese Proficiency Test 華語文測驗
56973363 chirology; dactylogy 手語術
56973364 chivalric education 騎士教育
56973365 Choir school 唱詩學校
56973366 choleric temperament 膽汁質
56973367 Christian education 基督宗教教育
56973368 chronicle of school 學校誌
56973369 chronological age {= C.A.} 實足年齡;實齡
56973370 chronological table 年齡表
56973371 Church education; Missionary education 教會教育
56973372 Citizenship education; Education for citizenship 公民教育
56973373 civic virtue 公民德行
總共 2198 筆,顯示第 251 到第 300 筆