
英文名稱 中文名稱
56973374 civil service examination 公務人員考試
56973375 class 學級;班
56973376 class discussion 教室討論
56973377 class grouping 分級;分班
56973378 class interval 組距
56973379 class limit 組限
56973380 class management; classroom management 班級經營
56973381 class meeting 班會
56973382 class organization 班級組織
56973383 class period; session 上課時間
56973384 class reduction 減班
56973385 class teacher [班]導師
56973386 class teacher system [班]導師制
56973387 class teaching 班級教學
56973388 class visitation 教室參觀
56973389 classical course 古典學科
56973390 classical language 古典語文{古希臘文、拉丁文}
56973391 classical school 古典學校;古典學派
56973392 Classicism 古典主義
56973393 classification 分級;分班;分類
56973394 classified school 分級學校{義}
56973395 classmate 級友;同班同學
56973396 classroom library 班級圖書區
56973397 classroom; lecture room; recitation room; teaching room 教室
56973398 clerical test 文書工作測驗
56973399 cloister 修道院
56973400 co-education 男女混合教育
56973401 coach 運動教練
56973402 coaching 指導練習
56973403 coefficient of correlation; correlation coefficient 相關係數
56973404 coefficient of variation 變異係數
56973405 collaboration between industry and school 產學合作
56973406 Collaboration Plan 攜手計畫
56973407 collaboration transition class; collaboration transition school 合作式中途班{中介安置教育處所}
56973408 collateral reading 補充閱讀
56973409 collecting instinct 搜集本能
56973410 collective education 集體教育
56973411 college 學院
56973412 college of business administration 工商管理學院
56973413 college of commerce 商學院
56973414 college of education; school of education 教育學院
56973415 college of law; law college; law school 法學院
56973416 college of letters and science 文理學院
56973417 college of liberal arts; faculty of arts 文學院
56973418 college of medicine; medical college; school of medicine 醫學院
56973419 college of preceptors 師範學院
56973420 college of science; science school 理學院
56973421 college preparatory department 大學預科
56973422 colonial education 殖民地教育
56973423 color discrimination test 辨色測驗
總共 2198 筆,顯示第 301 到第 350 筆