
英文名稱 中文名稱
56656821 strategic saddle point 策略鞍點
56656822 strategic variable 策略變數
56656823 strategied decision 策略決策
56656824 strategy 策略;對策
56656825 stratification 層次化;分層
56656826 stratified 有層次的
56656827 stratified random sampling 分層隨機抽樣[法]
56656828 stratified random sampling method 分層隨機抽樣法
56656829 stratified sampling 分層抽樣
56656830 stratified simplex method 分層單體法
56656831 stratified subsampling method ; stratified sub-sampling method 分層分階抽樣法
56656832 stratum [階]層
56656833 streak line 條紋線
56656834 stream
56656835 stream density 流的密度
56656836 stream function 流量函數;流函數
56656837 stream line 流線
56656838 stream lined body 流線體
56656839 stream of calls 呼叫流
56656840 stream of homogeneous events 齊次事件流
56656841 stream with inhomogeneity 非齊性流
56656842 stream with uniform distribution 均勻分布流;均勻分配流
56656843 stream with variable parameter 變參數流
56656844 streaming 流線型;流線化
56656845 strength 強度
56656846 strengthened condition 加強的條件
56656847 stress tensor 應力張量
56656848 strict 狹義的;嚴格的
56656849 strict derivative 嚴格導數
56656850 strict hyperbolicity 嚴格雙曲性
56656851 strict implication 嚴格蘊涵
56656852 strict inductive limit 嚴格順向極限
56656853 strict maximum point 嚴格極大點
56656854 strict minimum point 嚴格極小點
56656855 strict root condition 嚴格[的]根條件
56656856 strictly concave function 嚴格凹函數
56656857 strictly convex 嚴格凸
56656858 strictly convex function 嚴格凸函數
56656859 strictly convex space 嚴格凸空間
56656860 strictly decreasing function 嚴格遞減函數
56656861 strictly diagonal dominance 嚴格對角優勢
56656862 strictly increasing function 嚴格遞增函數
56656863 strictly monotone function 嚴格單調函數
56656864 strictly quasi-convex function ; strictly quasiconvex function 嚴格準凸函數
56656865 strictly self-adjoint 嚴格自伴的
56656866 strictly stationary process 嚴格平穩過程
56656867 strictly triangular matrix 嚴格三角方陣
56656868 strictly upper triangular matrix 嚴格上三角方陣
56656869 string
56656870 string quote 串引號
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 14751 到第 14800 筆