
英文名稱 中文名稱
56656921 strongly mixing automorphism 強混和自同構
56656922 strongly mixing condition 強混合條件
56656923 strongly mixing hypothesis 強混合假設
56656924 strongly monotonic function 強單調函數
56656925 strongly multiplicative quadratic form 強乘性二次型
56656926 strongly negative 強否定[的]
56656927 strongly recurrent 強遞迴[的];強返迴[的]
56656928 strongly separated 強分離[的]
56656929 strongly stable solution 強穩定解
56656930 strongly stationary stochastic process 強平穩隨機過程
56656931 strongly summable series 強可和級數
56656932 strophoid ; strophidal curve 環索線
56656933 structural constant 結構常數
56656934 structural perturbation approach 結構擾動法
56656935 structural stability 結構穩定性
56656936 structure 結構
56656937 structure function 結構函數
56656938 structure group 結構群
56656939 structure of group 群的結構
56656940 structure of ring 環的結構
56656941 structure space 結構空間
56656942 Student's ratio Student比
56656943 Student's t distribution Student t分布;Student t分配
56656944 Student's t test Student t檢定
56656945 Sturm comparison theorem Sturm比較定理
56656946 Sturm-Liouville boundary problem Sturm-Liouville邊界值問題
56656947 sub-sampling 分階抽樣
56656948 sub-semigroup 子半群
56656949 sub-stratification 分階分層
56656950 sub-subroutine 子副程式
56656951 sub-value 次值
56656952 subadditive function 劣加性函數
56656953 subadditive functional 劣加性泛函
56656954 subadditivity 劣可加性
56656955 subadjoint surface 次伴隨曲面
56656956 subalgebra 子代數
56656957 subbase 準基
56656958 subbase at a point 在一點處的準基
56656959 subbundle 子紮
56656960 subcategory 子範疇
56656961 subclass 子類
56656962 subclass number 子類數
56656963 subclassification 小分類
56656964 subcoercive 次強制的
56656965 subcomplex 子複體
56656966 subconsistent 次相容
56656967 subcontraction 子收縮[圖]
56656968 subconvex game 次凸對局
56656969 subcover ; subcovering 子覆蓋
56656970 subcritical 次臨界的
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 14851 到第 14900 筆