
英文名稱 中文名稱
56656871 strip
56656872 strip condition 帶形條件
56656873 strip manifold 帶流形
56656874 strip of conditional convergence 條件收斂帶
56656875 strip of convergence 收斂帶
56656876 strip of elements 元素帶
56656877 strip region 帶形區域
56656878 stroke operation 加橫運算
56656879 strong approximation 強逼近
56656880 strong barrier function 強閘函數
56656881 strong connectedness 強連通
56656882 strong conservation form 強守恆型
56656883 strong consistent estimate 強一致估計
56656884 strong convergence 強收斂
56656885 strong deformation retract 強形變回縮核
56656886 strong derivative 強導數
56656887 strong discontinuity 強不連續性
56656888 strong dual space 強對偶空間
56656889 strong duality theorem 強對偶定理
56656890 strong ellipticity 強橢圓型
56656891 strong excision property 強切除性
56656892 strong extremum 強極值
56656893 strong hyperbolicity 強雙曲型
56656894 strong invariance 強不變性
56656895 strong invariance principle 強不變原理
56656896 strong irreducible chain 強不可約鏈
56656897 strong law of large numbers 強大數法則
56656898 strong local extremum 強局部極值
56656899 strong Markov property 強馬可夫性質
56656900 strong maximum principle 強最大值原理
56656901 strong oblique reflection 強斜反射
56656902 strong primary ideal 強準質理想
56656903 strong relative minimum 強相對極小
56656904 strong solution 強解
56656905 strong stability 強穩定性
56656906 strong topology 強拓撲
56656907 strong unimodal 強單峰
56656908 strong unit 強單位
56656909 strong upper derivate of set-function 集函數的強上導數
56656910 strong variation 強變分
56656911 strongly connected complex 強連通複體
56656912 strongly connected directed graph 強連通矢圖
56656913 strongly continuous 強連續
56656914 strongly continuous semigroup 強連續半群
56656915 strongly continuous stochastic process 強連續隨機過程
56656916 strongly coupled system 強耦合系統
56656917 strongly elliptic differential operator 強橢圓微分算子
56656918 strongly elliptic equation 強橢圓方程
56656919 strongly hyperbolic differential operator 強雙曲微分算子
56656920 strongly measurable 強可測[的]
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 14801 到第 14850 筆