
英文名稱 中文名稱
56756701 residual error ratio 殘餘誤差比
56756702 residual excitation 殘餘激磁
56756703 residual flux 剩餘磁通
56756704 residual frequency modulation 殘餘頻調
56756705 residual heat of reactor 反應器餘熱
56756706 residual heat release of reactor 反應器餘熱釋放
56756707 residual heat removal system 餘熱排放系統
56756708 residual image 殘像
56756709 residual loss 剩餘損耗
56756710 residual magnetism 剩磁,殘磁
56756711 residual making and breaking capacity 剩餘接通和分斷能力
56756712 residual modulation 殘餘調變
56756713 residual non operating current 不動作剩餘電流
56756714 residual non-operating current 殘餘不動作電流
56756715 residual operating current 殘餘動作電流
56756716 residual power 剩餘功率
56756717 residual risk 殘留風險
56756718 residual shock response spectrum 剩餘衝擊回應譜
56756719 residual supply index 供給剩餘係數
56756720 residual voltage current characteristic 殘餘電壓電流特性
56756721 residual voltage transformer 剩餘電壓變換器
56756722 residual voltage winding 剩餘電壓繞組
56756723 residue check 餘數核對
56756724 residue class 餘數制
56756725 residue class algebra 餘數代數
56756726 residue class ring 餘數環
56756727 resilient coating 彈性塗層
56756728 resilient gearing 彈性齒輪裝置
56756729 resin bonded graphite brush 樹脂粘合石墨電刷
56756730 resin bonded paper bushing 樹脂粘合紙套管
56756731 resin casting installation 樹脂澆注設備
56756732 resin impregnated paper bushing 樹脂浸紙套管
56756733 resin regeneration 樹脂再生
56756734 resin transfer system 樹脂轉換系統
56756735 resistance alloy 電阻合金
56756736 resistance alloy 電阻合金
56756737 resistance box 電阻箱
56756738 resistance braking 電阻制動
56756739 resistance butt welding machine 電阻對焊機
56756740 resistance coil 電阻線圈
56756741 resistance component of impedance 阻抗之純阻部分
56756742 resistance control 電阻控制
56756743 resistance couple amplifier 電阻耦合放大器
56756744 resistance coupling 電阻耦合
56756745 resistance dryer 電阻乾燥器
56756746 resistance frame 電阻架
56756747 resistance furnace installation 電阻式電爐設備
56756748 resistance furnace transformer 電阻爐變壓器;電阻式電爐變壓器
56756749 resistance grading of corona shielding 電阻防暈層
56756750 resistance grounded transformer, resistance earthed transformer 電阻接地變壓器
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 23051 到第 23100 筆