
英文名稱 中文名稱
56756751 resistance heated boiler 電阻加熱鍋爐
56756752 resistance hysteresis characterisic 電阻滯後特性
56756753 resistance lamp 電阻燈
56756754 resistance network 電阻網路
56756755 resistance of arc furnace installation electric line 電弧爐裝置供電線路電阻
56756756 resistance of high-current line of an arc furnace 電弧爐大電流線路電阻
56756757 resistance per unit length 單位長度電阻
56756758 resistance reducing agent 降阻劑
56756759 resistance spot welding electrodes 電阻點焊電極
56756760 resistance standard 電阻標準
56756761 resistance start split phase motor 電阻起動分相電動機
56756762 resistance switchgroup 電阻開關
56756763 resistance temperature coefficient 電阻溫度係數
56756764 resistance test 電阻試驗
56756765 resistance thermometer 電阻溫度計
56756766 resistance to abrasion [of enameled wire] (漆包線)耐磨性
56756767 resistance to breakdown by discharge 耐放電擊穿性
56756768 resistance to earth, resistance to ground 對地電阻
56756769 resistance type thermo bimetal 電阻型熱雙金屬
56756770 resistance voltage 電阻電壓
56756771 resistance welding electrode 電阻焊電極
56756772 resistance welding machine 電阻焊機
56756773 resistance-capacitance voltage divider 電阻 - 電容分壓器
56756774 resistance-heating device 電阻加熱元件
56756775 resistive cutoff frequency 電阻性截止頻率
56756776 resistive direct voltage regulation 電阻性直流電壓調整
56756777 resistive n-terminal element 電阻性n端元件
56756778 resistive stress grader 電阻式應力控制件
56756779 resistive two-terminal element 電阻性二端元件
56756780 resistor 電阻器
56756781 resistor block 電阻塊
56756782 resistor case 電阻櫃
56756783 resistor color code 電阻色碼
56756784 resistor element 電阻器元件
56756785 resistor matrix 電阻矩陣
56756786 resistor section 分段電阻器
56756787 resolution 解析度,解像度
56756788 resolution bin 分解度筐,析像度箱
56756789 resolution performance 分解性能
56756790 resolved-time base ppi 分解時基(式)平面指示器
56756791 resolving power of lens 透鏡析像力
56756792 resolving power, resolution 分辨力
56756793 resolving time 分解時間
56756794 resonance 共振,諧振
56756795 resonance acceleration 諧振加速度
56756796 resonance circuit 諧振電路
56756797 resonance curve 諧振曲線
56756798 resonance hump 諧振峰,共振峰
56756799 resonance indicator 諧振指示器
56756800 resonance measurement 諧振量測
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 23101 到第 23150 筆