
英文名稱 中文名稱
56756851 restricted speed signal 限速號誌
56756852 restricted-breathing enclosure “nR” 限制呼吸外殼“nR”
56756853 restriction of access 接近限制
56756854 restrictive area 限制區
56756855 resultant colorimetric shift 合成色度位移
56756856 resultant [perceived] colour shift 總的[知覺]色位移
56756857 resynchronization 再同步
56756858 retail competition 零售競爭
56756859 retail price 零售電價
56756860 retained image (image burn) 殘像
56756861 retaining coil 保持線圈
56756862 retaining device 固定裝置
56756863 retaining ring fracture 護環斷裂
56756864 retardation coil 抗流線圈
56756865 retardation curve 減速曲線
56756866 retardation method 減速法
56756867 retarding braking 減速制動
56756868 retarding potential method 推後電位方法
56756869 retention period 保留週期
56756870 retort furnace 蒸餾爐
56756871 retort [chamber] 蒸餾室
56756872 retrace interval 返馳期間
56756873 retro reflection, reflex reflection 逆反射
56756874 retrofit 修整
56756875 retrofitting and repowering old steam power plant with combined cycle 老蒸汽動力廠的複循環增容改造
56756876 retrogressive wave 後退波
56756877 return code 轉回碼
56756878 return code register 轉回碼記發器
56756879 return conductor rail, return current rail 回流導電軌
56756880 return current 回路電流
56756881 return feeder 回路饋線
56756882 return flow type oil atomizer 回流式噴油器
56756883 return information 返回資訊
56756884 return loss measuring set 回流損失測量器
56756885 return rate price 回報率價格
56756886 return stroke lightning 返擊雷電
56756887 return time 返回時間
56756888 return trace 回跡
56756889 return use of train table 路牌復用
56756890 return water temperature 回水溫度
56756891 return wire 回(路導)線
56756892 return yoke 返回軛(鐵)
56756893 returning wave 反向行波
56756894 reusable insulation piercing connecting device 可重複使用刺穿絕緣式連接器件
56756895 reusable routine 復用常式
56756896 reusable twist-on connecting device 可重複使用扭接式連接器件
56756897 reverberant room (交)混(回)響室
56756898 revers direction [of an isolator or a circulator] [隔離器或環行器的]反向
56756899 reversal condition 倒逆條件,逆境
56756900 reverse A.C. resistance 反向交流電阻
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 23201 到第 23250 筆